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my fiance wants to wear shorts and a t shirt for the wedding Help!

ok so my fiance has informed me that since we are going to get married in june of 2012 that he wants to wear his khaki shorts and a t-shirt for the wedding so he can be comfortable because we are having an outdoor weddding and it will prolly be very warm out. the problem is i still want to wear a dress. i have been looking into tea length dresses in an off white color so that i wont stand out so much next to him in shorts and a t-shirt but im more of a bigger girl and am not sure if tea length dresses are appropriate for my size. any ideas of what to do?

Re: my fiance wants to wear shorts and a t shirt for the wedding Help!

  • I would try to get him in at least pants, but if you don't mind and he really wants to wear that than I see nothing wrong with you wearing a full length dress next to his shorts. Go with what you are comfortable in.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:bdf4f183-d80b-411e-86a4-c025f8d1e819Post:000fc54d-af28-4674-8f91-6fc11eb1e51e">Re: my fiance wants to wear shorts and a t shirt for the wedding Help!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I agree with PP. If he is worried about being hot, he can wear a light weight white shirt and khakis or linen pants. I love that look for outdoor weddings. He does at least need to wear pants. If not, I bet many guests would be more dressed up than him.
    Posted by Jookie77[/QUOTE]

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  • How often does he wear shorts?  I ask because our first choice of officiant is a man I have never seen in pants.  It could be 30 degrees out and he'd still be wearing shorts.  We were actually joking about having his tux pants hemmed off to be shorts, because seeing him in pants would just be freaky.

    You both should look like yourselves on your wedding day, just slightly nicer.  So if he's the sort where people wouldn't recognize him in pants, find him a really, really nice pair of shorts.  But if he does wear pants with any sort of frequency, then take PPs' suggestions, which are good.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • Are we talking Tommy Bahama shorts or Old Navy shorts?

    I have a wonderful Hawaiian friend who wore a fairly casual Tommy Bahama outfit when he got, khaki colored pants and a silk, short sleeved button down, with a lei over.  It was totally in line with his style, but "dressed up" in a way that fit the occasion.
  • ditto nice tommy bahama-type stuff. and for your dress, i think any length is fine, but i wouldn't pick something that has a bunch of embellishments. you've got plenty of time to look around and figure out what works for you. Smile
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