Attire & Accessories Forum

veil or no veil.. that is the question...

This is my wedding gown, looks better on me if I may add.
haha, Tongue out

On a serious note, I'm torn between wearing a veil & not wearing one. I've already bought one. It was $250. So I feel bad not wearing it. BUT My ceremony is outdoors in July. I want to have a summer look. I've seen videos on youtube of wind catching the veil and causing it to flow in the wind or in the brides face. SO, should I wear a veil?
YES or NO??'
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Re: veil or no veil.. that is the question...

  • Love your dress! This one one of my final ones as well- it's so sparkly in real life!

    I don't know what to tell you with the veil. I am wearing a cathedral length one so I suppose I'm no help haha. I do know what you mean with the veil sticking to the beads. What if it wasn't windy at all on your wedding day- would you still want to wear it? I think that would be your answer.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited November 2010
    I wore a fingertip veil for an outside ceremony.  It was a little windy, and it did blow around, but it made for some awesome pictures, IMO. I'm no help with the beading issue, though.

    You could always plan on wearing it, but take it off if it is extremely windy that day and ends up being an issue.

    Edit: not to be a total AW, but here are some of my favorite veil-in-the-wind pictures, to give you an idea.  There were still plenty where you could see our faces.

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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • The dress is gorgeous! I voted no, only because you shouldn't be stressed out about it.... I think veils are gorgeous when they're blowing in the wind (especially yours: LauraT- gorgeous pictures!!!) but if your worried about it catching the dress, I would try to return the veil for something maybe a little shorter??? Is that possible?

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