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Bridesmaid dresses /New Years Eve Wedding

Hi Everyone,

So I have a question....My wedding is New Years Eve this year and my wedding is formal to a point it is cocktails and appitizers all night ( no sit down dinner) ....I have a big band and eleven bridesmaids!!!!!! Yes Eleven!!!  What type of dresses should I have ...short or long? The colors of the wedding are black and pewter and a hint of golld . I would like the dresses to be black and pewter....Help! Totally confused!! Oh also NO church! Please take that into conderation!

Re: Bridesmaid dresses /New Years Eve Wedding

  • i would do half in pewter, half in black, and maybe gold ribbon around the flowers?

    the no church doesnt really matter.

    short or long doesnt really matter either. (if i had a new years wedding, i would do long, just my choice)

    and with 11 bridesmaids, i would let them choose the style they want
  • Since you're not doing a sitdown dinner it's not exactly a formal event, so i'd probably say short dresses. cocktail length =)

    your colors sound lovely, i'm sure no matter how you end up working it out it will look great!
    Rocking the Dress with my Bestie
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    Day Zero / Blog
  • look for maybe black or pewter evening gowns. thats what i would go with since it would be elegant unless you want more of a happy hour appearance i would go with cocktail style
  • You should find another friend & have 12 bridesmaids in honor of the new year :)

    But seriously, I like the idea of picking a color and having every bridesmaid pick their own style of dress. For example, if you picked black- every girl could wear whichever black dress they felt comfortable in. Then you could throw in different pewter and gold accents with jewelry, hair accessories, clutches, and/or shoes. I think that would be stylish and chic for a New Year's Eve wedding. Also, it would allow them to be comfortable so they could dance with the band!
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