I'm having an impossible time finding shoes. My dress is being tailored for 3.5-inch heels, but I can't find any shoes that fit. The problem is that I have slightly wide feet (size 6 or 6.5), so everything feels super tight at the front part of my foot. But if I go any size bigger, the shoes are too long.
I've looked everywhere with no results... Zappos, Piperlime, My Glass Slipper, Nordstrom's, Bloomingdales, Bridal Shoes, Endless, and DSW. I've asked my local board for suggestions, and I've tried to go to a bridal shoe store in my town but it just went out of business this past summer. I'm paying so much money in shipping and restocking fees, and I'm feeling discouraged and tired of going to UPS to ship stuff back. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I need to get these shoes within two months, as I have my fitting.