Attire & Accessories Forum

Groom Tuxes

I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks.   I'm a little nervous as to what tuxes my fiance will pick out for the groomsmen and fathers and such.... Is it normal for the bride to go and help pick them out?   Help me out..


Re: Groom Tuxes

  • I went. It was a joint decision between the 2 of us about what we picked. He let me have a lot of input about colors/style of the vests and ties to coordinate with the BM's dresses. I think whatever works for you guys is the best decision. FI obviously has not seen my dress so I had to help him pick out the right colors for his vest and tie. I suggest you talk about what will work for the 2 of you.
    Photobucket Visit The Nest! Anniversary
  • thanks for the info.... he hasnt seen my dress nor will he lol... my concern is the colors and styles for our fathers they can be particular...
  • We went looking one day two weeks ago, and my FI wanted to pick out this tux that had a satin "sewn-in" lapel (literally, not a lapel and no collar at the top) and also no button... I couldn't help but laugh and turn him down.  He's such a joker, I thought maybe he was just trying to get a reaction out of me.  Well... unfortunately he wasn't joking, and I stepped on his feelings a little (go figure!) The rest of the family told him that he was crazy for picking a tux jacket like that, and agreed that the tux jacket needed to be more traditional for what we're going for (simple, fun, but traditional elegance).  Thankfully, he wants the tuxes vests and ties to match the bridesmaids' dresses, so he is on hold to pick tuxes until the BM's start ordering their dresses, which won't happen until at least January.  
    July 16, Our Wedding Day, is also International Juggling Day!
  • I didn't go to the tux shop, because (a) it wasn't any of my business since MH did not pick out my dress or the BMs' dresses, and (b) he's an adult.

    Talk to him and do what works best for you guys, but I personally did not suggest going with MH because I would've found it insulting to say to him, "I don't trust that you can dress yourself properly so I'm going with you to make sure you don't screw up."
  • I think you should go.  Listen to what he wants and give your opinion when needed.  You will have photos of him in the tux for the rest of your life.  It could be fun to go together.  I kept in mind what my fiance would like in my wedding gown, it should be similar with the tux.
  • He picked out everything on his own.  We settled on a color scheme together, but he couldn't keep it straight, so he had to consult me a few times to make sure he got everything right.  But as far as actual styles, that was all him, he went while I was at work.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:de29af54-1c12-4938-b3c2-d4ace7a19288Post:5286e8be-384d-4504-be83-83df82dc0978">Re: Groom Tuxes</a>:
    [QUOTE]I didn't go to the tux shop, because (a) it wasn't any of my business since MH did not pick out my dress or the BMs' dresses, and (b) he's an adult. Talk to him and do what works best for you guys, but I personally did not suggest going with MH because I would've found it insulting to say to him, "I don't trust that you can dress yourself properly so I'm going with you to make sure you don't screw up."
    Posted by mbcdefg[/QUOTE]

    I agree, completely!  My FI plans to buy his tux within the next few months.  I wouldn't dare go with him.  He manages to select and buy his clothing quite well without me.
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