Attire & Accessories Forum

Need opinions: beading vs. flowers

My dress has a small amount of beading on the hip where the skirt gathers and a small rectangle right under the bust.  The store said I can order it without the beading if I want with no problem.  I really like the look of flowers on the dress as accents.

I purposely have given you not too much background info (my thoughts going into the salon, etc.) so that you can give me opinions purely based on the overall look.

Flower on the boob (hip one isn't there but you can see the gathers where it would be on the opposite hip):

No flowers, beading only:

Which do you like better?  Flowers with no beading under the bust or keep the beading under the bust with no flower? 

PS. I just realized one picture was taken in the mirror and one was not, so they are reversed! Oops.

Re: Need opinions: beading vs. flowers

  • I personally like the beading, but I'm not a huge fan of flowers so I'm probably no help.

    Married 5.6.11

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Need opinions: beading vs. flowers</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't really like beading but I love the flowers. I think the dress looks a little plain without the flowers.
    Posted by bethsmiles[/QUOTE]
    I agree, i like the flowers on the top.. imight also be biased, as my dress has a couple of flowers on the skirt that i love, over beading..
    Sept 2011 Feb...
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