Snarky Brides

I fought the law...

well, my colorist, anyway.but I won...[img][/img]..literally, 10 minutes of fighting.  She finally gave up and said "okay, we'll try it . . . " and then she ended up LOVING it afterwards.this is without lowlights, which will be my next step.  I couldn't be in the salon any longer than an hour today, especially with the very heated, eye-rolly (on HER part) start we had.

Re: I fought the law...

  • I also like it, and now you can tell your colourist that if she wants any money from you, she'll trust YOUR judgement and do what she's damned well told. That annoys me.
  • thanks again, everyone. Mo, it's not a SUPER big change, but we just did an all-over tone this time. In 4 weeks when I go back we're going to spend more time doing lowlights and stuff, which will change it up even more. Baby steps, you know. : ) I'm glad everyone is loving the length, too. I've been thinking maybe it's getting too long but I am also thinking of this as my hair's "last hurrah." Pretty soon it won't be very appropriate OR convenient to have very long hair.
  • Tasty it looks SO awesome!  It just makes your skin pop and look so creamy.  I can't wait to see it with lowlights! Count me in as part of the visible blue veins club.  I'm a phlebotomist's dream.

    The nerve!
    House | Blog
  • thank you, thank you! I am blue-veiny everywhere. some places it's like my skin is translucent. somehow they always manage to make my vein collapse at least once when drawing blood, though.
  • WOW Fenton. ME TOO!   Looks great Tasty!
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