Snarky Brides

Do you color your hair?

Tasty's fab new do reminded me of this.  I was at Beauty Brands the other day to try a fancy shampoo and conditioner (annual litre sale).  I asked the woman to recommend a product and she asked what my hair is like.  I told her I don't color it, but that it is kind of flat.  She goes "You don't color your hair at all?"  "No."  "Really?"  "No."  "That's great.  You're lucky."First of all, it's not luck, it's laziness.  But it got me wondering, do most women color their hair?  Am I a weirdo?

Re: Do you color your hair?

  • of course you know my answer, but I've been coloring my hair ever since I was allowed to do boxes on my own in HS. There's just something about being able to play with color--like wearing a wig, but less itchy. your hair color is very deep and rich. so yes, you are lucky in that your natural color doesn't look like a house-mouse pelt. Cuz that's what some of us are working with.
  • I don't.  Not only that, but I get weirdly offended when stylists suggest it to me.  The last one I went to asked me if I ever thought about highlights, and I threw her business card away afterward.  Biitch.

    The nerve!
    House | Blog
  • Yes and if I don't I have massive gray hairs.
  • I'd really love to put some red tones in my hair, but I think I'm too cheap and/or lazy to keep it up.  I'm terrible about staying on top of getting it cut, I imagine I'd be the same about color.
  • Sam, I have soooo been on the Creamsicle train. blonde is definately best left to the pros if you have any amount of red in your hair.
  • I know Sam!  I tell myself she just wants another $50 out of me, but I immediately go into defense mode.Cover this exquisite blonde/brown/whatever?  How dare she even suggest it.  And like Christin, I'm just not willing to put in the maintenance color needs.

    The nerve!
    House | Blog
  • Nope, never have. I hope to put it off as long as I can before I start having gray hairs
  • We have a wedding on the 8th so i'm saving a freash cut and colour for the week before that.   I think I'm going to do a highlight/lowlight combo that will flatter the cut I've got.  My hair is still so freakin thick post-pregnancy that she thinned the hell out of it last time and it's still thick and now frizzy/coarse from the razor thinner.
  • I'm terrible about staying on top of getting it cut, I imagine I'd be the same about color.meeee toooo.  i'd either have terrible roots, or if i did go every 6 weeks, i'd be broke.  kind of a lose-lose for my hair/wallet.   my natural color will do just fine :) 
  • I don't normally color my hair mostly out of laziness. I did a few times in HS or college with some semi-permanent box stuff. I might start getting it done professionally if I really start to see a lot of gray or white hairs. My grandpa had a full head of white hair by the time he was 21, my dad by 30ish, and my brother is 34 and has quite a bit of white scattered among the brown. If it's not just a male gene then at some point I'll be visiting the salon more often. I too tend to stretch the time between haircuts as long as possible.
    I'm pretty sure it's pronounced your mom's a moron and if you didn't have your name legally changed by the age of 22, so are you. Unless you're from another continent. -Groomz
  • cmc714cmc714 member
    I only have been doing some highlights regularly for the past year or so. Before that I would sometimes do it in the summer, but only very subtle so it would grow out without looking like white trash.
    Claire Elizabeth 12/31/2011
    Married Bio
  • I don't do anything.  I'm cheap and lazy, too.
  • I dye my hair on an irregular basis.  It's been a year since I had it done last.  I was going to get it done this month since my roots are redonk right now, but I figure I'll put it off until late August so it looks fresh for my birthday and Fingerlakes.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • I color and have been for almost 22 years. I went gray early. I am a loving hands at home kinda girl though.

    Book Review Blog

    If I were a man (or fitty) I'd totally call my penis THE WIZARD - HappyTummy
  • I do. And I need to get it done pronto since my hairs is still green.
  • I don't. My hair is so curly that the grays are not very obvious. I know that they are there, but I figure that I am 35, and it's bound to happen. My mom, aunt, and grandma all have really beautiful white hair. I don't mind the idea of looking like them eventually.
  • Christin, I think you and I have similar coloring (very dark hair, fair complexion) which is kind of unusual, so I think a lot of people assume it isn't natural. I get the same kind of comments. They're just jealous. *fittyhairflip*I suspect I will have to "go back to my natural color" (as my mother calls it) within the next 5 years, because I have grays sprouting like weeds.
    The hair grows in thick where the horn used to be.
  • I'm not really concerned about getting gray hairs.  I'm not very observant, so I probably wouldn't notice them to begin with.  But I don't think they'd bother me.  I did, however, notice a couple creases in my forehead that I suspect are wrinkles.  I wonder if that's the sort of thing that someone would get Botox over.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • I am seriously considering the Bo for the vertical lines that are starting to be a little more permanent near my eyebrows. They make me look angry.

    Book Review Blog

    If I were a man (or fitty) I'd totally call my penis THE WIZARD - HappyTummy
  • I'm so tired of biitches being jealous of what I got.
  • from my research, Botox batches must each be animal tested before release. I think I'll just keep slathering on cream 2X a week.
  • gah Tasty that depresses me. I will look old and angry, I'd say before my time but that would be a lie, it is my time.

    Book Review Blog

    If I were a man (or fitty) I'd totally call my penis THE WIZARD - HappyTummy
  • Maybe it will up your intimidation factor, Mod.  It's hard to be intimidating when you're a shortypants, so you need all the extra help you can get.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • I get a 3 color process (hilights, low lights and another painted inbtween) every 6-8 weeks.  I love my stylist.  She works from home, is uber flexible, and charges me next to nothing (under $100). 
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