Snarky Brides


I have been gone forevah! Attila the hun has been traveling three weeks straight and working through the weekends, AND I'm on my second dogsit/foster gig in the same amount of time. Calgon take me away. So wassup 'round here?I missed some birfdays didn't I? Moo? Bloom? Am I forgetting anyone? HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONE AND ALL.Exp, I just saw you post something about freezer meals and I think I owe you one more recipe. I will post below!
image Guess who?


  • Fitty!  How's it goin?  How's the new house?  Are you guys all settled in?  I require FBM pictures.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • ftnupsftnups member
    [img][/img]Here is a recent pitcher of Noodie, being grouchy and ill-tempered as usual. haha
    image Guess who?
  • Hi Fitty!  He is so farkin cute!  
  • Hai! You're missing out on a loverly heat wave here.

    "The meek shall inherit the earth" isn't about children. It's about deer. We're all going to get messed the fuckup by a bunch of cloned super-deer.- samfish2bcrab

    Sometimes I wonder if scientists have never seen a sci-fi movie before. "Oh yes, let's create a super species of deer. NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG." I wonder if State Farm offers a Zombie Deer Attack policy. -CaliopeSpidrman
  • He looks just like you! 
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • jbloomjbloom member
    Hai fren!  Shanks for the b'day wishes.  FBM looks so real and cute!
  • ftnupsftnups member
    Oh mouse, that does bum me out. Good thing it's been over 100 degrees here for weeks on end or I would feel even worse! :) Cali, isn't that funny - lately Seba and I both have been seeing HIS spitting image. But I think he has my smile and a lot of my expressions. House is coming along. We had the shutters (finally) installed yesterday and today. The patio extension has been poured and next the pergola and fireplace will go in. Once Seba is home a bit more we can start finishing off all the rooms in the house. We've stalled a bit with everything going on, but it will ease up in about a week when hearing season is over.
    image Guess who?
  • aww, he is growing to be such a handsome little boy!!
  • Look at him! He's just a big ball of cute.


  • I think the smile and expressions is definitely where I'm seeing the resemblance.  He's miserable and bitter, just like his mom.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • I am sad that my computer is stoopid and I am unable to see his picture.
  • Awww.  He's getting so big!  Too cute FMB.  Too cute.
  • Oh, but Texas is a dry heat. Or that's what they tell me. btw- I don't know if you're aware of this but your son seems excessively happy.

    "The meek shall inherit the earth" isn't about children. It's about deer. We're all going to get messed the fuckup by a bunch of cloned super-deer.- samfish2bcrab

    Sometimes I wonder if scientists have never seen a sci-fi movie before. "Oh yes, let's create a super species of deer. NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG." I wonder if State Farm offers a Zombie Deer Attack policy. -CaliopeSpidrman
  • Fitty, he is so stinking cute. And again there goes that ticking noise. I think I might have a bomb in my uterus and it's about to self destruct.
    I'm pretty sure it's pronounced your mom's a moron and if you didn't have your name legally changed by the age of 22, so are you. Unless you're from another continent. -Groomz
  • How damn cute! He is starting to look more and more like a little man;) I love his smile.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Baby Trail Blog
    "Someday we will look at our babies and know it will be worth it. If it was easy, we would not have had our babies, the babies we were meant to have." From Amy052006
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Ditto all the ZOMG, your baby is so cute! statements up in here.  He is a lovely little muffin.
    "As of page 2 this might be the most boring argument ever. It's making me long for Rape Day." - Mouse
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