http://tinyurl.com/l4wqrb[/img]This is Luther, he's staying with us while his foster peeps are on vacation for a couple of weeks.He's a German shorthair pointer - there was a big puppy mill bust and he was one of the studs. The guy had basically stopped feeding them because he ran out of money. The dogs were just roaming free eating rocks and killing goats and stuff. THEN the guy fuccking burned down the shelter/shack/shiithole he had them in just to get rid of all of them. He is rotting in jail now fortunately.So obviously not all of them made it but a whole bunch of them did. He is scared of men but loves other dogs and the ladies. He is doing really well at our house - his foster mom said it would be hard to get him to come inside at all. Like even overnight. And that he would get in a crate but would shove all beds or blankets out of the way.Well he is snuggling up with 2-3 blankets and he trots around the house following me and the dogs. Only goes outside to potty. Poor guy has little scars all over his face and ears, even a little chunk missing from the lower rim of his eye.

It took a day or so but now I can just walk up and give him a little scruffy scruff on the head and even grab and massage his ears. Yay! When he got here Monday I could barely get him to sniff my hand.He is a bit of a bandit though. I have to push any food on the counter way back or he will jump up and get it. Have to learn him some manners.