Snarky Brides


Have your baby today! That can be your prezzy to me!

Book Review Blog

If I were a man (or fitty) I'd totally call my penis THE WIZARD - HappyTummy

Re: Jen&Joe

  • Have you established a clear plan for notifying us of your baby's birf?  This is incredibly important.  We should know before the grandparents do.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • I think I texted Mod, Bethie, and Moo about being induced before we told our parents. This probably has something to do with the fact that Mod, Bethie, and Moo wouldn't show up to the hospital before we wanted them to though.


  • I am going for my stretch and sweep in an hour so who knows. Today could be the day!!!Do you want me to twitter from the fetus perspective? 'I am coming down the canal' 'Oh look jazz hands'
  • You need a labor buddy!!
  • nah, we'll let you slide with just a blinkie.
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