Snarky Brides

Re: Will's favorite new game:

  • [img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img][img]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/img]


  • I cannot imagine Ms. Gracie likes that.  George seems pretty OK with it.
  • Is the kitties' new favorite game Flee the Baby?
  • I love his outfit and want it for myself.
  • Gracie's is. George just kind of sits there. I can't decide if George is far more tolerant than Gracie or if he's just that lazy.


  • George looks so hunkered down.  "It'll be over soon; I can withstand!"
  • I think George is practically the same size as Will, so it's easier for him to hold his own.  Poor Gracie is just going to get squashed.  But that's pretty darn cute!  I love the picture of Will burying his face in Gracie's fur.  I imagine him yelling, "Steamroller!" as he flattens the kitties.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • He loves the cats so much. Sometimes when Gracie is sitting on the couch he walks up to her and just starts giggling. "Look at that! It's a moving stuffed animal! THIS IS HILARIOUS!"


  • Ah!  Love the kitties.  Smash the kitties.
  • Will and George look like best buds in that 2nd pic. "Let's hit the road, George. Let's see the world!"
    I bet her FUPA's name is Shane, like the gunslinger/drifter of literature.--HappyTummy
  • The down and sideward turned ears show annoyance, but not biting level annoyance, which is good.
  • I love the one at the top left because you can just see his little smile to the right of the cat's (George?) tail.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • If either of the cats had shown anything more than annoyance and a desire to run away this game would be no more, but they're really good with him. George still runs away from my best friend, who really wants to snuggle him, but he just puts up with Will.


  • dunno, in that third picture it looks like gracie kind of likes it.   very cute
  • Aaw, besties. That's cute! Maggie likes to flop down on the dog's bed with Charlie for a cuddle.
    image Ready to rumble.
  • oh that is so cute.  the round little Will bum is making me squee. sometimes I wonder what my three shiits will do when we have a baby.  KP is so docile, so I think she'd be okay.  Milhouse is skeerdy, so he'd probably be scarce.  Molly is kind of hissy-pissy so I don't know.
  • ftnupsftnups member
    Argh - tasty I'm sorry I was on my iphone and accidentally reported your post. ENOUGH OF YOUR DIRTY CAT TALK YOUNG LADY. Knot Annie please take note of my mistake.noisy these are so cute. Yet another fabulous thing about 1 yo's is that they find their groove with the animals. Especially Bobo and noodie - they are buds, I predict Bobo will sleep with him someday.I am pretty sure Matt and Will have all the same jammies! Little boy jams are painfully cute.  
    image Guess who?
  • you reported me because I was talking about Will's little bum, didn't you.  this coupled with Anni(e) deleting my child porn thread and I think I'm going to have to put myself on some sort of registry soon.
  • When are you guys coming to San Diego? A Matt & Will playdate would be the bestest.


  • ftnupsftnups member
    I don't know when but we will! I have always thought they would get along really well - they seem to have similar personalities. They would totally rule the playground together, too. People are always saying how "sturdy" Matt looks.
    image Guess who?
  • gah, I love that kid.
  • That first picture is just the best. It makes me want to put it on FB and pretend it's my baby. But in a totally non-creepy way. Tasty- my pissyest cat loved, loved, loved Bug. She would barely tolerate me petting her but would let Bug pick her up by her middle and carry her around while purring like a fool. You never know with cats.

    "The meek shall inherit the earth" isn't about children. It's about deer. We're all going to get messed the fuckup by a bunch of cloned super-deer.- samfish2bcrab

    Sometimes I wonder if scientists have never seen a sci-fi movie before. "Oh yes, let's create a super species of deer. NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG." I wonder if State Farm offers a Zombie Deer Attack policy. -CaliopeSpidrman
  • WILL CUDDLE. If I have a little boy, I hope he's as cool as Will.
    The hair grows in thick where the horn used to be.
  • I love it. We encourage dog hugging at our house. Any time Connor does something inert towards the dogs we redirect him with "LOVE your doggy and he immediately cudddles them. We switched to a toddler bed a week or so ago and I have since found piggy in his bed with him a couple times already.
  • And that Should say onery and not inert. My kid often does non flammable gas things to the dogs.
  • Is Connor farting on your dogs? Or wait, are farts flammable?


  • He farts on everything. That kid is a tootin MACHINE, but I would guess flammable.
  • The South Park movie wasn't lying to me!Will only farts when he's about to poop. It's a nice warning sign in the bath tub.


  • Oh my god, the face-in-butt one is awesome! 
    "As of page 2 this might be the most boring argument ever. It's making me long for Rape Day." - Mouse
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