Snarky Brides

funny things at the dr

so I went to my moley moley moley dr this morning.  He is kind of a funny guy (his name is Grossweiner, need I say more??).he decides to take off a couple of moles that I've never even given a thought to and doesn't look twice at some odd giant ones that have weirdly attached other moles.  but he's the expert (and he is good).also, he did the check-over first, it's kind of intrusive as he checks every square inch of my skin and I'm nekked except for underpants.  there is turning and lifting and spreading.  intrusive.  so we get done and he's about to shoot me up with local and asks. . . are you pregnant or nursing?  um.  you just had first hand experience with my kiwi sized boobies, I think not a chance.

Re: funny things at the dr

  • that is gross (weiner)
  • Mole twinsies! I'm going to experience this this afternoon.  The last time the dr. asked the pg question, I stumbled through an "Um, I don't think so, but I mean, it's not out of the realm, but probably no" and felt like a 16 yr old being told to get her GED.
  • I don't think I look at him with a straight face. I was going to change to a dentist Allnut, but couldn't do it. How often do you get mole checks? Does he have them tested?
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  • ha, Fallin, I recently had to do the stumble.  At least this time I'm two days off the red river.  (ugh, I'm such a disgusting teen boy sometimes) good luck at your doctors!  you getting any big ones off that you know of?
  • he decides to take off a couple of moles that I've never even given a thought to and doesn't look twice at some odd giant ones And this often happens to me too.
  • I havent had a mole check in years and now I am worried that this is supposed to be something I do more frequently?
  • My biggest mole is on my labia, so I imagine that my check-over would involve a lot more instrusiveness.  And waxing.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • I don't think that is a mole. I think it is your poo wand.
  • Babbsie, this is fairly new for me, but over the last year or so, he's been wanting to see me every 3-5 months!!  Today I told him it's too much, I promise to keep an eye on them myself, and I'll see him next year. they do test them all.  it's kind of funny because dr. told me that the last bigs ones came back from pathology fine and no one on the panel could believe something looking like it did could not be bad, so they debated over it for 2 more weeks and wanted him to go back and dig deeper for more cells to test.  I know I'm perfectly fine . . . just kind of moley. 
  • I have two on my chest that they give the side eye to.  They haven't really changed in my life, but I think I want them off now.  One on my arm that is round and ok-colored but keeps getting bigger so I'd like to see it go.  I have a small one on my face that I'd like to discuss removing for cosmetic reasons.  And like you said, there's sure to be some random fellow that I'm like, "really?  that one? ok."Do you get stitches?  I HATE stitches.  They grossweiner me the eff out.  They are the worst part.
  • Calie, when your as moley as I am, he practically checks my sphincter. it's intrustive. : )Winged, if you are moley, you should let them check you over and see if you should maybe get checked every year or 5 years.  skin cancer is so easy to detect and fix if you catch it quick.
  • Fallin, if you have one that is getting bigger, take it off now.  it just.  keeps.  growing.  (see: face cancer) I had to get stitches for one on my back and, honestly . . .okay, I know I'm weird, but . . . I LIKE IT.  the pulling sensation is kind of odd but cool for me.  the itching later sucks, though.
  • I had several cut off my neck and boobs and one off my face. I got stiches in the face one. None of them came back cancerous, but it has been a long time. And I am very moley. I have one on my back that concerns me. I guess i will go when I get back. Do you think I could go to my regular doc or shoudl I go to a specialweiner?
  • It not the process.  It's the seeing this black thread things protruding from my skin. :Shuuuuuuuder:: It's been too long since I had any removed and the last ones were all cut and stitch.  What else do they employ for removal?  I do not want stitches on my face.
  • How do you initiate the moley check? Go to your PCP and say, "Hey, I'm moley, send me to a dermatologist"? I have a lot of moles.


  • Do you think I could go to my regular doc or shoudl I go to a specialweiner? Definitely a dermatoloweiner.
  • How do you initiate the moley check? Go to your PCP and say, "Hey, I'm moley, send me to a dermatologist"? That's what I did. I have HMO.
  • I'm pretty moley and should probably have this done. As an aside, me = 9 weeks pregnant with 0% boob growth. Not everyone is so "blessed" in that department at Babbsy.

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  • I have HMO insurance, so one day I complained about a mole that hit my pantline funny to my GP and she referred me in my network.  Plus the one on my face did some spontaneous bleeding that was a bit suspect. if they don't do the remove and stitch method, they could just razor them off (that's what one of mine was today), or remove it and burn it (cauterize) and that smells AWFUL.  and kind of leaves a crater.
  • were they the razor scissors, tasty? I can just go to a specialist on my own, but will probably ask my doc for a recommendaiton.
  • no, it is literally a little razor from the end of an exacto knife.  no holder, wand, anything, he just holds it and turns it around instead of slicing right through.
  • Thanks. I've had a lot of my moles since childhood and they haven't changed. I have an armpit one that I want removed anyway though, so maybe I can complain about that and get a referral to have them all checked out.


  • Well jeez, I could do that. Noisy, I'll bring my exacto knife to San Francisco.
    The hair grows in thick where the horn used to be.
  • You'll be a doctor by then!


  • I know Expee has experiencing removing growths, so she might be willing to lend you her kitchen scissors.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • As the Whitest Person on the Face of the Earth, I get checked for moles on a yearly basis.  Luckily no major problems yet, though I've had a few questionable items lasered off, and they always look suspiciously at a mole on my back.  But after years and years of sunburns/sunpoisoning as a child, I don't think it's possible to be too careful.  I blame this all on my stupid recessive genes - why couldn't I be dark haired/olive skinned like the rest of my family?
    image Mabel the Loser.
  • It's funny to me too. Me too.
    The hair grows in thick where the horn used to be.
  • It's been too long since I had any removed and the last ones were all cut and stitch. What else do they employ for removal? I do not want stitches on my face.A couple of years ago, I went to the derm for a check and he said that cosmetically, he could minimize my facial mole.  Because it sticks out, he said he could lop off the excess and it would still leave a mark, but not a bump.  If he tried to remove it, it would leave a permanent white scar.  I don't know if that's an issue for you or not. But don't ask me the details of this.  The guy was a douche and didn't explain anything to me except, "You don't have skin cancer" and then walked out of the room.  Thanks for the details dude.  I'm going to a new place next month. 
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