Snarky Brides


I'm losing my mind, I can't remember anything andmore and it actually scared me yesterday.   I was at the grocery store (getting in and out as quickly as possible, the Banshee was running at Iron-Maiden-at-a-festival-concert-for-the-deaf-meets-Godzilla-type-loud yesterday)   Icouldn't find my car, then I finally found it, unloaded groceries, took cart back to cart-corral with Lila, back to the car, got her strapped in, and my keys were gone.Stripped the car, unstrapped kid, back to corral and repeat 3 times.   Finally went inside to customer service and my keys were there.Got in the car and had a meltdown.  Crap like this happens at least 4 times per day.   I can't imagine how I'll finction at work like this and am seriously considering seeing a doctor.

Re: meltdown.

  • Aww that sucks. I too don't know how I am going to work and do everything else. I am thinking of part time...I am not worrying about it until April! Maybe you have even more on your mind with returning to work just around the corner?
  • Won't work be easier without the screaming baby?
    "As of page 2 this might be the most boring argument ever. It's making me long for Rape Day." - Mouse
  • Good point, Fenton.   I know dealing with her has a lot to do with not being able to focus fully on any given task right now, but even if she isn't around I can't remember the simplist things like names, conversations and i am presently trying to figure out where the feck my i-pod is.
  • Well I have that problem now and I don't have a baby.  So I can sympathize!
    "As of page 2 this might be the most boring argument ever. It's making me long for Rape Day." - Mouse
  • While in the Target parking lot this weekend, I had already taken Andy out of his car seat when I realized I didn't have my purse.  So I go to where I thought I had put it.  Not there.  For about 3 minutes, I end up walking around the car, opening every door, and trying to bend down while holding a squirming, screeching kid.I finally remembered that I had shoved it into the diaper bag...which I was holding the entire time.I feel your pain.  Hang in there.
  • Sam, I have a feeling I will be the same, and it is one of the things that scares me so much.  My mother makes jokes that I will leave the kid on top of the car and wonder where it is.
  • Awww you poor thing=( Lila was probably confused as hell.
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  • I'm sure Lila was fine.Sam, I'm sorry and I hope you start to feel more like yourself soon. :( I'm sure it's normal, but maybe a doctor will give you some peace of mind.

    Husbands should be like Kleenex: Soft, strong, and disposable.
  • I am sorry sam. This kind of thing happens to me all the time, so I cannot imagine how bad I will get when I have a baby to focus on.
  • Yes, Lila was fine and probably even thought it was all very entertaining. :)File this under "NORMAL." This is what I was referring to yesterday in the long post about parenting. One thing I felt blindsided by was the preoccupation with bebeh-related things. You don't realize how much less of your brain will be available to think about all kinds of things, even simple things like where your car keys are. People joke that motherhood makes women stupid, but it's not that (and it irks me now to hear that) - your brain is just otherwise focused and it's pretty unrelenting. I call it Mama Bear Syndrome (MBS). All you need is a prescription (unlimited refills) for beer and wine. :)
    image Guess who?
  • I concur fully Fitty.  And I also sign off on that prescription. Signed Dr. Vinny
  • MATTHEW!!! He is so smiley!
  • wing'd we discussed his cranky demeanor in the "I wish..." post below. Matt and Will are going to have a smiling contest. Will's going down like a sweet muffin.
    image Guess who?
  • MBS.  I like it.  feels official enough for the "I'm crazy and no one else is as crazy as me" to be pushed aside, yet has soft undertones.
  • Oh I've done this a dozen times. Once the keys were  hanging around my neck and I was sobbing into bags of groceries while Josephine stared at me like "Yowsers, who gave me to you?" I found the work routine started helping. after months of juggling the baby stuff to daycare and having to be uber organized, it just starts falling into place. I did give a presentation to a large group the other day and 1 hour after our discussion was finally over a nice woman pointed out that I had 3 cheerios stuck to the back of my skirt. Sigh. It's ok Sam.
  • definitely suffer from MBS as well and if my husband comments on how scatterbrained I am now one more time, I might Jack his jaw.
  • This kinda scares me b/c I thought a lot of what I went through like that was a result of being a single mama and not having anyone to lean on. What Fitty said made me feel a lot better about it though. I can tell you from experience that it's temporary and goes away pretty much completely sometime after potty training. It's like your brain starts to accept that they can fend for themselves somewhat and lets you relax. In the meantime I hope you never pull over on the freeway hyperventilating because your baby is not in her carseat, completely forgetting that you already dropped her off at daycare.

    "The meek shall inherit the earth" isn't about children. It's about deer. We're all going to get messed the fuckup by a bunch of cloned super-deer.- samfish2bcrab

    Sometimes I wonder if scientists have never seen a sci-fi movie before. "Oh yes, let's create a super species of deer. NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG." I wonder if State Farm offers a Zombie Deer Attack policy. -CaliopeSpidrman
  • Wow, Mouse.   I feel infinitely better.
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