I'm losing my mind, I can't remember anything andmore and it actually scared me yesterday. I was at the grocery store (getting in and out as quickly as possible, the Banshee was running at Iron-Maiden-at-a-festival-concert-for-the-deaf-meets-Godzilla-type-loud yesterday) Icouldn't find my car, then I finally found it, unloaded groceries, took cart back to cart-corral with Lila, back to the car, got her strapped in, and my keys were gone.Stripped the car, unstrapped kid, back to corral and repeat 3 times. Finally went inside to customer service and my keys were there.Got in the car and had a meltdown. Crap like this happens at least 4 times per day. I can't imagine how I'll finction at work like this and am seriously considering seeing a doctor.