Snarky Brides

Interesting political/legal article

Re: Interesting political/legal article

  • Dude, who would have thought I ever had warm and fuzzies for Ted Olson, but that last line did it for me.Great read, thanks!  I honestly can't see the legal argument against same sex marriage.  I know there will be justices who vote against overturning the ban, but I just can't imagine a majority.  I hope I'm not shocked once this case gets there.Did you hear about Clarence Thomas's opinion saying that there is nothing in the Constitution that says you can't execute an innocent person, as long as they've been convicted of a crime and sentenced to death.  Well, I guess it doesn't explicitly say that, but use some effing common sense.

    The nerve!
    House | Blog
  • If I was a lawyer, I would sign up to help with this.  It is a civil rights issue and it does speak to a true conservatism, with less gov't. 
  • That's a great article.  I'm glad I'll have an interesting legal issue to discuss with my friends tonight at my lawyer friends happy hour!  Thanks Fallin.
  • Did you hear about Clarence Thomas's opinion saying that there is nothing in the Constitution that says you can't execute an innocent person, as long as they've been convicted of a crime and sentenced to death.You know, maybe it's time to hold a convention and get an amendment passed. Although somebody will be opposed and that could get depressing fast.

    "The meek shall inherit the earth" isn't about children. It's about deer. We're all going to get messed the fuckup by a bunch of cloned super-deer.- samfish2bcrab

    Sometimes I wonder if scientists have never seen a sci-fi movie before. "Oh yes, let's create a super species of deer. NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG." I wonder if State Farm offers a Zombie Deer Attack policy. -CaliopeSpidrman
  • I read that yesterday morning, too. I have a lot more respect for conservatives who are consistent in their principles for smaller government, more freedom, etc.
    "As of page 2 this might be the most boring argument ever. It's making me long for Rape Day." - Mouse
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