So AF1 and I are all hot and heavy. We go out several times a week, always have upcoming plans. Including for his 30th B-day in November (skydiving!). Tonight, I was feeling all swoony, and wanted to look at pics of him AND I SEE HE UNFRIENDED ME. Now, he only ever had 3 friends on there anyay- me and two people I don't know. One is a cute chick. We were talking about FB last night on our date, and how our old classmates that have looked us up. He has turned down every request from them, saying, "I figured I already hit the jackpot with one old classmate" and patted my leg (Cute).So should I be totally weirded out that he went through the trouble to UNFRIEND me on a website he doesn't really use? We have plans tomorrow. I am so biting my tounge to see what this is about.