Snarky Brides

Let us vote...

Fellow denizens of AFSB, let us vote on the importunate matter of whether the notion below is customary for one so recently engaged, and whose mind is of such mature and aged matter, despite the outward appearance of youth. Marraige is not a ball and chain to me, because i'm not very religious. Women (and man) of AFSB, let your responses be as abhorrent, distasteful, or unspeakable as you wish, and let your words flow like the abundant waters of the mighty Mississippi. Nay, some of you may prefer to simply lift your hand into to the air, unadorned by such loquacious speech.


Re: Let us vote...

  • UKWSLMAOOLAMD*Noisy, you're my favorite.  *UglyKristenWorkSnort-LaughingMyAssOffOutLoudAtMyDesk
  • People who think "marraige" is a ball and chain based upon religion are derriere bonnets full of excrement.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • ur wrds r 2 big 4 mepls fixtiaxoxo==3
  • It's really immature of you to make fun of someone simply because they are an idiot.  Y U Got 2 B Lik Dat?
    3 out of 4 dead babies agree! pepsi is better than coke! - EdithBouvierBeale
    Lordy. Grow some balls and stop lurking. It's like stealing from the internet. Jesuschrist. -- AudreyHorne
    I hate love and marriage. I got married so I could destroy these things from the inside. - NoisyPenguin
    It's a good thing my circle of trust is as giant as my vagina. That only leaves a couple people out. - Cali
  • I'm very religious, so marriage is a ball and chain for me. Because I hate my life. The only thing that makes my life worthwhile is pie.You know what I'm talking about.
  • like hairpie?
    3 out of 4 dead babies agree! pepsi is better than coke! - EdithBouvierBeale
    Lordy. Grow some balls and stop lurking. It's like stealing from the internet. Jesuschrist. -- AudreyHorne
    I hate love and marriage. I got married so I could destroy these things from the inside. - NoisyPenguin
    It's a good thing my circle of trust is as giant as my vagina. That only leaves a couple people out. - Cali
  • Whatever kind of pie you want it to be Groomz. I prefer snozeberry pie.
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