Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Stones for Guest "Book"?

For the most part FI has zero opinion about anything related to the wedding... anything I ask about is "Whatever you want" or "That's fine". So when I was flipping through a magazine and he stopped me at a picture of a stone "guest book", I figured it would be nice to incorporate something he actually wants.

My question is, have any of you done these? And if so, where did you get the rocks? I don't know that I have enough free time over the next 4 months to try to find 200+ stones, so I would much rather purchase them.

For those who may not know what I'm talking about, here is a link: clicky.

Thanks in advance for any helpful hints!
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Re: Stones for Guest "Book"?

  • You might check out craft or garden stores.

    And I these were the results of my Etsy search:

    The first one might be what you're looking for, and seems reasonable, I guess.



  • See, I saw that on Etsy too, and my eyes just about bugged out of my head at the cost. 

    I found some on Save-on-Crafts, the only thing is I'm not sure how many rocks I'd get in 2lbs, and how many of them would be large enough to write on. I think I will check out Michaels this weekend, and maybe Lowes or Home Depot.
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  • See, I have no idea how much a bunch of rocks would cost at any random store, but I could see it being expensive, so I don't know.  I love that they gather a hundred rocks and slap a $150 price tag on it.



  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stones-for-guest-book?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:102Discussion:06c20581-9b0e-4461-8bf8-998845dd2f8ePost:cff6c515-708b-4135-a82e-1efb7c6a1d74">Re: Stones for Guest "Book"?</a>:
    [QUOTE]See, I have no idea how much a bunch of rocks would cost at any random store, but I could see it being expensive, so I don't know.  <strong>I love that they gather a hundred rocks and slap a $150 price tag on it.</strong>
    Posted by professorscience[/QUOTE]

    <div>Lol this was my sentiment exactly.</div>
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