Snarky Brides

Irate doesn't even begin to describe my feelings right now

I work on a 7 person team, so tensions usually run high and drama is a given.  I usually stay out of it and just mind my own business.
I had a customer call me today who has called several times and has only talked to me and one other guy.  She refuses to acknowledge that the issue is her phone (we support the bluetooth system in her car) and refuses to do any troubleshooting that I have told her to do.  Well she called back again an hour later and got another coworker of mine who hasn't talked to her yet.  This coworker went through other unnecessary troubleshooting with the lady (because she didn't read the case notes and instead went off what the customer said) and didn't even solve the issue.  She then e-mails me and CC's our BOSS saying how mad that customer is that the issue won't fix (even though it's her phone..something I have no control over) and how I should have tried more to help her and basically threw me under the bus.
PUH-LEASE.  I've been talking to this lady for weeks.  She's talked to her once.  I think I know better what's going on than her.
I hate it when people tattle for no reason just to make others look bad.  Our boss has better things to deal with.
UGH I can't wait to be done with this job.

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