Snarky Brides

FB People

For all you FB people, help me talk my mother through de-friending people.
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Re: FB People

  • Hehe, help you convince her to defriend or describe how to do it?
  • How to?

    Go to the friend's page, and along the left side there is a "remove from friends" option.
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  • edited November 2010
    Click on Account (top, right) then click on Edit Friends. A list of all her friends will come up and she just needs to click the X.

    ETA: When I just walked through it (to make sure I was telling you right) it grouped my friends by most recent. There is a drop down box at the top that will let you catagorize. Make sure it shows all friends.

    It is true that pit bulls grab and hold on. But what they most
    often grab and refuse to let go of is your heart

  • You can go to the friend's page, scroll down to where the left side bar panel ends.  Then there's a few options.  One of them is removing the friend.
    my read shelf:
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  • kd - Are you ever going to sign up on FB? For reals, you have to.
  • TY Wrkn!

    You're no help Nates!
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  • I will continue to be unhelpful until you join FB and that is all.  Good day, sir.
  • Is she having trouble finding out HOW to de-friend people or is she just worried she will hurt people's feelings?  Just remind her, it's the internet.  Who cares.  Plus she can block the people and if they ask why they were deleted, she can just tell them she deleted her own facebook (lol).
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:1a102e40-ffe7-45aa-9d55-dc9fa77cbd26Post:b8d6e0aa-cb90-43e3-a55c-6fa8e6cfab15">Re: FB People</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is she having trouble finding out HOW to de-friend people or is she just worried she will hurt people's feelings?  Just remind her, it's the internet.  Who cares.  Plus she can block the people and if they ask why they were deleted, she can just tell them she deleted her own facebook (lol).
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    NO AATB- she has one "friend' that is driving her crazy, but she's not really computer literate, so she couldnt figure out how to unfriend. She has no qualms about de-friending.

    As for Nates and Jen- isnt it enough to see me here everyday.And these constant threads about what my idiot FB friend said today arent helping. :P
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  • But your FB would be full of awesome and rainbows, since you'd have me and Jen on it.  Checkmate.
  • I saw this little gem this morning:

    Some People need to get over there Selfs.. I am sick of what I hear.. If you here stuff about me.. Look who's Mouth its Coming From before you Belive it... SOMEONE WHO IS A FRICKEN LOW LIFE........

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB People</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FB People : NO AATB- she has one "friend' that is driving her crazy, but she's not really computer literate, so she couldnt figure out how to unfriend. She has no qualms about de-friending. <strong>As for Nates and Jen- isnt it enough to see me here everyday.</strong>And these constant threads about what my idiot FB friend said today arent helping. :P
    Posted by kd.joseph[/QUOTE]

    If it were enough we wouldn't be pestering you all of the time  :P
    Dooo Eeeeet!
  • AATB, you're not helping the cause, dear. 
  • PSA:  Jimmy Kimmel is making November 15th National Unfriend Day.  It inspired me to delete about 200 people today.  

    People usually don't notice when you defriend them.  And unless you're good friends in a fight, odds are they won't care either.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB People</a>:
    [QUOTE]AATB, you're not helping the cause, dear. 
    Posted by NatesGirl16[/QUOTE]

    I flame her for not helping!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB People</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FB People : I flame her for not helping!
    Posted by JenGin74[/QUOTE]

    I flame you!  Just because!  I'M SNARRRRRRRRKY.

    Actually, the facepalm posts are prime reason to join FB.  It's pure, free entertainment.  It's excellent.
  • Ok list 5 reasons to join, and I may just make an account just for Jen and Nates.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB People</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ok list 5 reasons to join, and I may just make an account just for Jen and Nates.
    Posted by kd.joseph[/QUOTE]

    1. Because I said so
    2. The
    3. Only
    4. Reason
    5. Needed
  • Okay, Jen had five very valid reasons.  Here are some more--we did extra work and should receive extra credit.

    1.  Jen
    2.  Nates
    3.  Talking to us regularly
    4.  Stalking pictures of us would cut down on your in person stalking time.  I know driving to NJ and then commuting back and forth between us is tiring.
    5.  WE SAID SO!
  • You could be FB friends with me.  I'm fun to be FB friends with.  It's because I have big boobs and stuff.
  • HAHA! you guys crack me up.

    Nates do you already have my e-mail address?
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  • I seriously wish you guys were my neighbors. I'm sad that you're not :(
  • I don't think so, KD.  Maybe on goodreads?

    And, Jen, me too.  Then it would be the Vag Garden for real.
  • Ok ladies I have been toying with this for awhile now. And honestly if I make an account it will be for my knottie friends only,(since it was on Jen's wishlist).

    And as soon as I do I will PM Jen with my e-mail, since you dont get PM's Nate.
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  • YAY!  Also, I think it's hard to request me or something because of my privacy settings, so I will find you. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FB People</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ok ladies I have been toying with this for awhile now. And honestly if I make an account it will be for my knottie friends only,(since it was on Jen's wishlist). And as soon as I do I will PM Jen with my e-mail, since you dont get PM's Nate.
    Posted by kd.joseph[/QUOTE]

    OMG! Yay! I knew we'd wear you down sooner or later  :P
  • I want to be friends with KD, because she's AWESOME.
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