Snarky Brides

Interviewing/ hiring boss has asked me to post a listing on Craigslist for a part-to full time front desk person. She really pushed it last week and told me "there are issues". I think the issue is my manager, she doesn't want to work and doesn't. There have been problems with her for a loong time and I think my boss is finally sick of it.

So I wrote it up, got it posted and have received over 150 resumes since friday at noon. Somehow, I am in charge of screening the resumes, doing the interviewing, hiring and training.
I'm just a front desk girl myself, I am not the manager, I don't know how to hire someone! Plus, I still don't know if this position I'm looking to fill is part time or full time or which office or how much we're paying them! I also don't know where I fall in this all. Am I moving to another office (again), am I being promoted (I'ts kind of looking that way)? So many questions!

So I've just been picking the resumes I like the best but I'm freaking nervous about interviewing people. Any tips, insight, help???

Re: Interviewing/ hiring

  • Ugh I hated interviewing people.

    I know they haven't told you much, but maybe they just want you to do an initial interview to wean out the supershits and then someone higher will interview the remaining 5 or something like that? I would definitely speak with them about how you have no interview experience and don't feel comfortable not having guidance on this!

    Generally I looked for signs they were committed (college degree, didn't job hop, weren't terminated, military experience, etc), that they filled out the application correctly, no felony charges, etc.
  • Check up on your local laws. I've been asked how old I was more times than I can count. I stood up and walked out of my last interview.

    Talk to your manager (or whomever) and find out the specifics of the job: pay, hours, etc.

    Also, HI ROXY! :)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:1b754257-7977-45ff-99ca-fe69f91fc5e0Post:96d1aa7b-1245-4207-ba39-00a86339c45a">Re: Interviewing/ hiring</a>:
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    Double This.
  • Nope, she definitely intends on me doing all the interviewing. She said to me "you're okay with that right?" I was like well...I've never done it before, we have like a list of questions right....? and she was like yes, yes, have mary email it to you yada yada...
  • I wish I worked with cew :(
    Happy birthday cupcake!
  • Thanks Cew! <3

    I'm actually kind of okay doing the interviewing, I mean I'm nervous as hell but I think it's something I'm more than capable of handling. We're a small practice so there's not a lot of options. She seems like she doesn't really want my manager knowing I'm doing this or obviously interviewing. My boss has mentioned before that last time she hired someone they sucked so she doesn't want to do it.

    She's pretty adamant about having someone with lots of medical/ front desk experience. I'd really like to find someone with little or no experience so they're a clean slate and can be trained properly. When I started in my field I had no experience yet I had no problems and if I say so myself, I'm pretty good at it.
  • Well, I think you should be flattered that she trusts your judgement so much. If I were you, I would get her a range of candidates (in terms of experience). Is she asking you to do the final interviews and make the decision?
  • She said she will look at any resumes I like so I've pulled my top 10 and then top 5 out of those. I amflattered she trusts me. Yes, I think I'd be doing the final interview.
  • That's awesome. If you have any specific questions about the process, feel free to email me. I can probably send you some interview questions too.
  • Thanks Cew :) I'm meeting with her tomorrow so I'll have more insight then, hopefully haha
  • Butting in here to say-- if you're looking for someone with medical front office experience, sometimes it helps to contact the local schools (like business schools) who train people in office administration.  They have recruiters who want to place good graduates in a good job because it helps with their placement rates, and often you can specify exactly what you're looking for and have them refer people.  They would probably be on the lower end of the experience range, but many will have an Associate's degree and maybe an internship.

    I like interviewing people, I think it's kind of fun, once you get the hang of it.

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