Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Question for the Catholic Girls

Did anyone receive a dispensation so their (before 4pm) Saturday wedding mass counted as Sunday mass for the bridal party and guests? Ours is at 2pm.

My mom wants to have a brunch the next day, and we have loads of out-of-town guests flying out, so it would definitely help, but we don't know what the Diocese of Dallas's rules are. We are being married by a priest from Houston who is part of the Legionaries of Christ (pretty Conservative), so we're not sure how he'll feel about it either.

FMIL is horrified at the thought of "trying to skip" mass and said something about going to 5pm mass on the day of the wedding...right after our wedding mass...gah!

Re: Question for the Catholic Girls

  • edited December 2011
    Wow, that never even occurred to me.  Our mass is also at 2pm.  Let me know how it works out!
    imageimage Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    I never thought about it. Ours is at 1pm.
  • juliebug1997juliebug1997 member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I never thought of that either but we decided that, since we had a full mass for our wedding, we would not go to church on Mother's Day (the day after).  Talk to your priest or the priest at your church. 
  • MissAngelMissAngel member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Let me know how that works out... Sounds like if it worked, it would be awesome... Somehow I don't have too much confidence in seeing this one go through... but you never know.  Ask the Priest from Houston.  Would he be the one that would need to grant it if he's the one saying the Mass?

    FMIL could always go to LifeTeen mass at 4:30 pm on Sunday? Or other churches have 5:30 pm on Sunday?
  • edited December 2011
    I'm a bad catholic. We didn't have a full mass for our wedding. Our priest and 2 deacons told us that there was no point in doing so with already celebrating the sacrament of marriage. Besides, there were a total of about 15 Catholics in the entire congregation, including wedding party. It would have been kind of brutal.

    Your FMIL may just need to find some of her own time and hit up mass. :)
  • Jay+MarissaJay+Marissa member
    edited December 2011
    Haha, yeah, I guess we just need to see what the priest says--I'm not really sure who it's up to. If it doesn't count, all of my family and his (including us) will end up going--we've never missed unless the circumstances were "extraordinary"

    I would like to sleep in that day, though, so I'm going to push the issue :)
  • edited December 2011
    If you have to go, you really should try for the Sunday evening mass.  But doesn't your wedding count as extraordinary circumstances???
    imageimage Anniversary
  • Jay+MarissaJay+Marissa member
    edited December 2011
    I see what you mean, but missing is a really big deal to me and my family. It wouldn't seem right to receive a sacrament together as husband and wife and then ditch church the next day (with no dispensation), you know? Especially since it's considered a sin for Catholics.

    Sunday evening mass might be an option, but we are havning family over that day, so we cant really "kick them out" to go to mass...
  • edited December 2011
    For whatever its worth, St Thomas Aquinas as a 7:30pm mass, so it may be late enough for you to make mass. Thats what we did the day after our wedding since we had the brunch, were exhausted, family in town, AND had to pack for our honeymoon. :) GL!
  • Jay+MarissaJay+Marissa member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Emi--that might be a great option.
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