Snarky Brides

Happy Monday, sunshines!


Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!

  • Good Morning!

    it's snowing here.  Finally again.  It's been so weird to see grass in February.

    Tomorrow we're going out for dinner so I'm excited to have lobster ravioli and a bellini. I have a box of chocolates for my H since he loves a certain kind and hopefully I'll get another lovely card.  He spent ages last year until he found a darn near perfect one.
  • We got an inch of snow last night. They closed the schools.

    I am amused.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Our fan is testament to our lazy we can be. It has a remote, so we don't even have to get out of bed to turn it on or off, or adjust the settings. It's awesome.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]
    Hmmm, maybe this would make a great V-day gift. New fan with a remote! Yay!

    Anxiously awaiting baby #1! Baby BOY Due: May 30, 2013! Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • Okay, it says I posted, so show up damnit.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yay for puggles!!!
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    <div>Don't let Nebb see this! hahaha</div>
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  • This week, I'm transitioning into my new job duties.  No longer GeoTech, now it'll be Land Assistant.  I hope that I can be happy doing this because my current job is sucking the joy out of me.  I still think that I need to try to find a job that's closer to home.  I think I'll keep sending in applications. 

    Have a great Monday all!

  • While puggles are total bastard pugs, they are still sorta pugs and they're by nature total assholes to train. We didn't have issues house training our dog but he was a biting wild nightmare for like 2 and a half years. Cute as hell, but christ did I hate his guts sometimes.
  • Sesh - I know right. I can see hotel room rates being higher but not rental cars ugh. Whenever we use the fan at night, my sinuses get so dry that I get nosebleeds. H and I both have an app on our phones called "Relax Oriental" or something like that (used to be called Asian Sleep when I first got it) and there's a sound on there that sounds like an old fan. I like to use that in conjunction with Field Wind and Campfire for white noise when I'm meditating. When I go to bed, I either use Cracking Ship and Storm Waves together (sounds like I'm under way on a boat) or Splashing Waves and a low drumbeat (sounds like I'm on vacation in Hawaii or something).
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
    **FOR SALE NOW**
  • Sesh - I know right. I can see hotel room rates being higher but not rental cars ugh. Whenever we use the fan at night, my sinuses get so dry that I get nosebleeds. H and I both have an app on our phones called "Relax Oriental" or something like that (used to be called Asian Sleep when I first got it) and there's a sound on there that sounds like an old fan. I like to use that in conjunction with Field Wind and Campfire for white noise when I'm meditating. When I go to bed, I either use Cracking Ship and Storm Waves together (sounds like I'm under way on a boat) or Splashing Waves and a low drumbeat (sounds like I'm on vacation in Hawaii or something).
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
    my currently-reading shelf:
    Mehgan's book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (currently-reading shelf)
    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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  • Good morning. The count down towards vacation has officially started and I'm only looking at 4 days and some change until I'm outta here for a week. 

    We're not really doing anything for v-day, I don't like to participate in hallmark holidays so I'll be glad when the if you really love the woman in your life, you'll spend 5k in diamonds because hallmark said you should commercials are over. 

    I'm going bra shopping tonight. I'm not sure how it happened but every single bra that I have is starting to fall apart. I had three last week that had the underwire either break or pop out the end so it stabs me in the boob. The two things I hate shopping for the most are bras and jeans, I'm not looking forward to it. Maybe I'll pick up a pair or two of shoes to brighten the experience. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Good morning, ladies.

    Congrats on losing the inches, J.  Insanity is so intense.  DH likes it, but it kicks his butt.

    I slept crappy, but got through spin anyway.  I'm already wanting to heat up the butternut squash chili I brought for lunch.

    We don't do V-Day.  I'm pretty sure DH doesn't even know it's tomorrow.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning. The count down towards vacation has officially started and I'm only looking at 4 days and some change until I'm outta here for a week.  We're not really doing anything for v-day, I don't like to participate in hallmark holidays so<strong> I'll be glad when the if you really love the woman in your life, you'll spend 5k in diamonds because hallmark said you should commercials are over.</strong>  I'm going bra shopping tonight. I'm not sure how it happened but every single bra that I have is starting to fall apart. I had three last week that had the underwire either break or pop out the end so it stabs me in the boob. The two things I hate shopping for the most are bras and jeans, I'm not looking forward to it. Maybe I'll pick up a pair or two of shoes to brighten the experience. 
    Posted by dmiller9274[/QUOTE]

    Normally i totally agree.  But this commercial has been killing me this year: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]We got an inch of snow last night. They closed the schools. I am amused.
    Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]

    Ha!  I'd be amused too.  Silly Canadian and your snow tolerance.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Happy Monday, sunshines! : Normally i totally agree.  But this commercial has been killing me this year: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]
    Now I kind of want a Big Hunka Love Bear!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Happy Monday, sunshines! : Now I kind of want a Big Hunka Love Bear!
    Posted by dmiller9274[/QUOTE]

    According to the commercial, you NEED a Big Hunka Love Bear
  • Can someone please tell me to stop eating Sour Patch Kids? They're so tasty and addicting, but they're totally going to give me a stomach ache.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Can someone please tell me to stop eating Sour Patch Kids? They're so tasty and addicting, but they're totally going to give me a stomach ache.
    Posted by Steph+J[/QUOTE]

    Stop eating Sour Patch Kids!

    Swedish Fish are the way to go.
  • That doesn't help, Anna. Now I just want Swedish Fish. dammit.
  • Oh hells ya, I just found out adam gets a long weekend with me this coming weekend!!! I havnt had that many days off with him since christmas. So excited to see my damn husband lol
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:38f8e9cf-4aac-4f3b-b353-73331a2b0d60Post:0e320365-b88a-4542-89a3-b5e6c7efed67">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Mehg, that app sounds cool.  I'm going to have to find that.  I love the sound of water.
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    I love it, it's hard for me to sleep without it now, though. I love that I can make different combinations and save them in my favorites. It also has cheerful, pleasant noises (chirping birds, wind chimes, music) that you can set as an alarm to wake you up.
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
    my currently-reading shelf:
    Mehgan's book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (currently-reading shelf)
    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
    **FOR SALE NOW**
  • Oh and btw ladies, I put my foot down with Enterprise and got them to give me the car for the price they quoted me on Friday, and they gave me a free upgrade since I was waiting around for almost 3 hours before I was able to leave and that was one of the last cars they had on-hand to give me. Score.
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
    my currently-reading shelf:
    Mehgan's book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (currently-reading shelf)
    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
    **FOR SALE NOW**
  • Morning ladies!

    Happy Monday Anna!

    We has a nice weekend, did pretty much nothing Saturday. Got dressed long enough to go eat. Yesterday I went to the store, I bought us some huge chocolate covered Strawberries which we saved to eat while we watched TWD. And I had a nice glass of Chenin blanc.

    But, I slept like crap.. So to bed early tonight.

    Our plant guy made scones for us, they are delicious.

    CM- you guys are taking away my excitement about having a puppy! I warned H it will be like having a baby.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:38f8e9cf-4aac-4f3b-b353-73331a2b0d60Post:9ebb1538-cc29-4c2c-91c8-b008a5b2ab8d">Re: Happy Monday, sunshines!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Happy Monday!  We're not doing much for V day until the weekend. We're heading up to <strong>Sonoma for an overnight spa trip.</strong>   I made the most amazing crab and corn chowder this weekend. FIL came over for dinner and raved about how good it was. Usually, I always think people just say nice things about my cooking to be nice.  But not this time around. I will dream about that chowder for weeks.
    Posted by kodakitty[/QUOTE]

    Now I'm just jealous! H has been trying to get me to move to CA and this would be one reason that I might reconsider!
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