Snarky Brides

How about a Poll?

Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?

What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?

Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?

What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?

Do you split bills evenly?

For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?

Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?

Re: How about a Poll?

  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? The massive blizzard we had one year that resulted in my power being out for a week in the middle of winter.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? Neither. They're pretty, but not necessary.

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? Probably.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? He thinks economics and politics is interesting. It puts me to sleep. That's honestly the only thing I can think of.

    Do you split bills evenly? If I can afford it.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? Well I kind of wish I had ordered a size up for my dress now. 

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? Definitely a homebody. Staying in makes me happy, although I don't mind going out.
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? A few hurricanes. Charlie, Fran, Frances. Charlie sent tornados through our yard, Fran dumped a bunch of water on us

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? Useless, but I still have some.

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? If I didn't have Whisky, probably. But I won't risk his safety for a stray, sorry.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? I won't say.

    Do you split bills evenly? Yes, but we help each other out if need be.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? I wish it was smaller, but for the most part I'm really happy with the way it turned out.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? Definitely a homebody.
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? - November 2000, the Monday before Thanksgiving. I was at my grandmother's house for the week (my freshman year of college - we got a week off) and it started snowing. And snowing. We ended up with 27 inches of snow in 24 hours. Because it didn't start snowing until about 1pm, school wasn't closed that day. A bunch of school busses got stuck and school kids had to stay overnight at places like city hall. My BFF's dad got stuck on the NYS Thruway while trying to pick up her sister and spent the night in his truck. Lots of people ran out of gas because they couldn't get anywhere and walked to hotels, which means plows and ambulences couldn't get through. It was really bad. It took something like 3 days to clear just the major roads.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?
    - I like them. I use the when I'm laying on the couch. I even have a bolster for my bed, which is nice when I'm reading. Besides, even if you don't use them, I'm sure there's lots of decorations in your house you don't "use."

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? - Have and would, yes. I'm all for that. My mom's cat was a stray and so were two of her dogs. Just get them checked out at the vet and make sure they don't belong to anyone. The two beagles my mom found (about 15 years apart, no joke) are two of the sweetest dogs ever.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? - what the last name of our kids will be, lol. Actually, I'm going to let him win. Reluctantly.

    Do you split bills evenly?
    - Nope, he makes more than I do, and we split sort of according to that and sort of what we're comfortable with. Also, more of my paycheck goes to paying down debt, which is important to us now.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    - I might have put straps on my dress. Before, I would have said I'd cut the list down even more and have just 30 people there, but it was nice the way it was (around 70 people). I might have had a purple wedding, though, if I started over.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? - I'm in the middle. Really, I take those Meyers-Brigg tests and I'm JUST over the line into extrovert. I like to go out, but on my terms, and not constantly. I like to take care of my life at home first, then go party.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:39f7f630-96b0-402b-8c75-37f6285e7578Post:1917afea-7156-45c4-ab42-18345236f8ca">How about a Poll?</a>:
    <p>[QUOTE]Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? <strong>I remember when I was really little and there was a cyclone warning on TV. The storm didn't eventuate, but it was the most exciting 'storm-related' experience I've had, haha. Otherwise, we've had crazy wind, heavy rain and lots of lightening very close to our house quite a few times since being here.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? <strong>Useless but pretty.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? <strong>That's how I ended up with the sweetest little cat ever, Nomad. Sadly he left me too soon (cancer), but he was just THE most loving little guy ever, and I fell in love with him the moment I found him on my doorstep.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? <strong>Hmm I'm not sure. Nothing really comes to mind. We're on the same page for most important life decisions/viewpoints.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>Do you split bills evenly? <strong>If I'm out with friends for dinner, I usually I try to pay for more than my share. *OH duh this question is clearly about H and I. The answer is, umm I guess? The majority of our money goes into our joint account and we earn roughly the same amount, so there's never an issue of deciding who pays for what. </strong></p><p>For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? <strong>Nothing. I would, however, have demanded a refund on the dress that didn't end up making it to me sooner (but the situation itself led me to the beautiful dress I wore, so it was fine in the end).</strong></p><p> </p><p>Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? <strong>A little of both. I LOVE socialising but some weekends it's nice to have nothing to do! It's pretty rare for us to have a free weekend, though, so it's usually more of the former.</strong></p>[/QUOTE]
  • In Response to <a href="">How about a Poll?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?<strong> My brother, dad and I were driving home in a storm and when we got to our house it was really bad. I think we had been fishing that day, and I wanted to get the fish out of the back of the truck. Dad wouldn't let me- and for good reason. As we got home, he could see rotation above our house and wanted us to get in the house. Mom was freaking out cause she didn't know where we were. That rotation turned into a tornado that destroyed most of the homes near our house. Thankfully, we had no damage.</strong>
    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? <strong>Useless but fun. </strong>Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?<strong> Yes, always. </strong>
    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? <strong>On whether or not men should be allowed to have a say in when a woman gets an abortion.</strong> 
    Do you split bills evenly?<strong> Pretty much. We have separate finances, but it works.</strong>
    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? <strong>Can I say getting rid of MIL dearest. MIL made wedding planning not enjoyable, not to mention she didn't want FI to marry me because I "wasn't good enough for him." Fuckingbitch. Everything else was perfect though.</strong> 
    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?<strong> I love to go out and socialize, but I don't get to do it often. I miss dancing and just generally being crazy. H is a homebody and most of my friends don't live around here. Although I think I've got my coworker talked into going out with me</strong>.
    Posted by LessThanZero[/QUOTE]
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    Hurricane Hugo in 1987, I think? We didn't have water or power for over 2 weeks. We returned to school after a week, and I had to do homework by candlelight and shower at the Y. SUCK.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? Necessary

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? Yep.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? throw pillows

    Do you split bills evenly? Sort of. We still have separate house bills until my house sells, but I'll pick up some of his once it sells.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? Dress

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? Both, which is weird. We socialize a lot with J's job, but we love stayijng home. His schedule is so nuts we manage to do a lot of both.
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? Hurricane Floyd when I was in college, mostly b/c everything flooded and we played football in the flooded fields.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? I like my throw pillows but I won't disagree with someone who says they're useless b/c they kinda are.

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? Yes, but it would have to stay in the garage until flea treated/vax'd etc. I won't put my child or pet at risk.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? Smoking. He smokes, I detest it.

    Do you split bills evenly? At home, no.  I make more money so it's unfair to split 50/50.  Out with friends, yes we divide the bill by the number of people.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? Still planning, would not have ever agreed to my parents paying for the wedding.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? Homebody but we did join a couple's bowling league so I have to go out one Saturday night a month. 
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    When I was in junior high I remember a rainstorm where all the streets were flooded really badly.  But this is the Bay Area, we don't get real storms here, just earthquakes.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?
    Necessary, but only if the fabric is nice and it works color wise.

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?
    Yes, we have 3 dogs and 4 cats.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?
    He thinks we should have one child, I think we need two- he and I were both only children and I am convinced it messed me up socially (I also didn't have any cousins my age).  Pretty sure I've won this argument though.

    Do you split bills evenly?
    Not quite.  I pay all the bills and then he gives me his paychecks.  Anything that doesn't go to bills goes into savings.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    Nothing so far.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?
    "Plus who needs a purse when you have a wedding dress? Those things are like walking hobo bags just waiting to be stuffed with surprise treasures." image
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? The ice storm a couple years ago was insane. We were shut down for weeks. Nothing to do but watch frozen death fall from the sky.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? Not necessary, but pretty

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? Yes. We have a re-homed pup we love.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? Shopping for virtually anything.

    Do you split bills evenly? yes.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? I would have had a smaller wedding overall and had a DOC.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? Both. H and I go out just the two of us a lot. He gets very stir-crazy and likes to go out.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">How about a Poll?</a>:
    <strong>Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?</strong>
    Probably the crazy ice storm that made me total my car and bruise myself all over.

    <strong> What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?</strong>
    Meh.  I wouldn't care if my bed in a bag set didn't come with them.

    <strong> Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? </strong>

    <strong>What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?</strong>
    Hmm, this is hard.  I don't think we strongly disagree on anything important.  We definitely disagree about things, though.

    <strong> Do you split bills evenly? </strong>
    No. I make more, I pay more. When he makes more, he'll pay more. 
    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?</strong>
    I would have FI remind his mother that I have a last name.  This way, I wouldn't have to get pissed everytime I see a card addressed to Mr. First Last and First.

    <strong> Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?</strong>
    Either, depending on my mood.  Definitely more of a homebody lately.

    How can I make this sig pic smaller? :)

    Posted by LessThanZero[/QUOTE]
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    I think it was about 1996. My brother and I were swimming at the neighbors house when it started getting windy. I remember running home in crazy wind and rain. There was a LOT of damage to houses from it.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?
    Nice on couches or chairs, useless on a bed.

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?
    I would and I have.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?

    Where we would ideally like to live. He loves small town, I love big city.

    Do you split bills evenly?
    We used to when I was making more money. Now, I barely make anything and just contribute for gas and groceries when I can.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    Probably a smaller guest list. This is the thing that's causing me the most stress.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?
    I like to go out and socialize, but with Emerson and not having much money right now, we rarely go out.
  • I forgot about the ice storm a few years ago. It was terrible. We moved out of our house temporarily. No power, heat, water for more than a week.
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    I've been through a few tornadoes and bad snow storms, but nothing too major. Luckily in Ohio we don't get ice storms and hurricanes, which I consider way worse!

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?
    Meh, we don't really have that many. I'd say useless ;)

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?
    I might hypothetically, but we're not allowed to have more than one pet in our apartment right now :p

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?
    I want more cats in the future. H only wants a dog.

    Do you split bills evenly?
    Honestly, not really. He gets most of the major stuff and I pick up, like, the car insurance and grocery shopping.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    I wish I could have had a live band instead of a DJ and I wish we could have afforded professional uplighting for the reception. It would have been AWESOME. But that wasn't really in the budget, so I don't know other than that ...

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?
    I'm about 50-50, I definitely like to socialize but sometimes I just don't feel like doing too much.
  • [I sort of lurk around here, but I thought this might be fun to jump in on]

    Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?  Hurricane Hugo when I was really little - I can barely remember it because I was so young, but I remember the wind and the rain a lot.  There was also a really bad blizzard when I was around 5/6 and the power was out for so long that we had to bury our milk and things in the snow outside.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? 
    Theoretically, I like them.  Realistically, I wish I'd never wasted the money.  It's not like I put them back on the bed every morning. 

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?  I wouldn't take one in right now just because I already have a cat and I don't think she would like that too much.  I'd probably try to find a home for it though instead of taking it to a shelter.  If I didn't have my cat now, I'd keep it if I could afford it.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?  Music.  FI loves country, I love hard rock.  I can stand a handful of slower country songs ('our song' that we'll dance to is actually country) but rock music irritates him to no end.  When we go on vacation or go anywhere that takes a while to drive to, it's terrible.  I suppose there could be worse things to disagree over!

    Do you split bills evenly?  We don't live together yet, but he's here most of the time so he chips in on things voluntarily, which is nice.  We always split things that are for 'both' of us though, and will split everything evenly one day.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?  Totally a homebody.  I would much rather sit here in my PJ's than dress up and go somewhere.  I mean, I like to go do things - it's just PJs are so much better - especially in the winter.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    Halloween blizzard of 92. I think we got like 3 feet of snow in a day or something insane. But you best believe I still went trick-or-treating.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?
    him getting his driver's license

    Do you split bills evenly? yup.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? yup. I would have scrapped the 250+ guest list and done a destination wedding in Dominican

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?homebody.
  • Why is my sig so big? :(.  You are all way better at this than me. 
  • I think it's funny that my worst storm was just a bad thunderstorm, while you guys are talking about hurricanes and blizzards.

    I have been in a tornado, though, but I don't remember too much of it and I don't think it was that bad.

    I also experienced my first blizzard last Christmas in Nebraska. I don't think it was that bad or really out of the ordinary, but I've never been in one, so it was weird for me.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:39f7f630-96b0-402b-8c75-37f6285e7578Post:e6374811-f236-450f-8fab-36c78d3cbee9">Re: How about a Poll?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I forgot about the ice storm a few years ago. It was terrible. We moved out of our house temporarily. No power, heat, water for more than a week.
    Posted by maratea[/QUOTE]

    Shiit got real!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? 1996-97 winter was pretty damn relentless

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? Useless.  But pretty :)

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?  Definitely.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?  Getting a puppy now or later.

    Do you split bills evenly?  We will.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?  Nope, not a one thing.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?  Depends.  I love going out but sometimes it's nice to stay in.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: How about a Poll?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think it's funny that my worst storm was just a bad thunderstorm, while you guys are talking about hurricanes and blizzards. I have been in a tornado, though, but I don't remember too much of it and I don't think it was that bad. I also experienced my first blizzard last Christmas in Nebraska. I don't think it was that bad or really out of the ordinary, but I've never been in one, so it was weird for me.
    Posted by LedZeppelin[/QUOTE]
    I only like blizzards since they result in no school, FI gets to stay home, and the super shovels for us :P.
  • edited October 2010
    Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    I was home alone during the tornado outbreak of 1999 when the F5 hit central Oklahoma. It was seriously terrifying. In OK running into the storm shelter is anything but a rare occurrance, but this was different. There were so many tornados and the F5 was the strongest tornado ever recorded in history. My parents were at a church play my sister was in and I opted not to go. It's pretty scary being home alone in 7th grade with tornado sirens going off and trees falling over in the backyard. Thankfully none of the bad onces hit the city I'm from but I'll never forget it.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?
    Useless but wonderful! I have a ton on both of our beds, adds a nice visual touch to the overall decor!

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? A dog, yes.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? He doesn't have much credit history so I've been trying to convince him just to get one credit card but he's reluctant. His dad taught him to pay cash for everything but I'm slowly trying to convince him that he needs to start building a credit history. **Edited**

    Do you split bills evenly?
    If we're out with friends we pay for what we ordered, they pay for what they ordered

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    I wouldn't have flipped out about the guest list as much. There were some people who I was convinced without a doubt would come so I cut some people to account for the others. Some of those people ended up not being able to come so I wish I would have been a little more lenient on our list.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?
    Definitely socialize. I've always loved to go out but now that DH is in school and we're in a new town I'm alone a lot during the week. I need to go out with people on the weekends to feel social at all!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:39f7f630-96b0-402b-8c75-37f6285e7578Post:3fd900a4-0077-4212-a6fa-ee2d8b7f5e13">Re: How about a Poll?</a>:
    [QUOTE] I say laundry should be folded asap, he thinks leaving clean laundry in a pile for days is fine. Posted by pirategal03[/QUOTE]

    hahaha I can relate to this. I don't mind keeping laundry in the dryer for a few days if I don't have time to get to it but DH hates it! I made him do laundry this week haha
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?  I guess it was Hurrican Floyd? The rain was dripping through my bedroom windows it was so bad. And then the blizzard of 96 was also really bad. There was easily 4 ft of snow. Although, we got a week off from school so I didn't mind. This past winter we had a pretty bad snowstorm too, 2 or 2 1/2 ft of snow and no power, heat or water for over 24 hours.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? Not necessary, but I love them on the couch when I'm laying down. Plus they match the throw rug so they look nice, especially since our couches are old.

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? Yes, although I couldn't do it now, my cat would be really pissed off.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? My father. It's a long story. I don't currently talk to him, but if he changed his life I would. FI has seen his actions and decisions and doesn't want him being a part of our lives from now on, especially our future kids lives. Understandable, but it's my Dad, so it's a tough decision.

    Do you split bills evenly? We each pay our own "seperate bills" (cell phone, credit cards, insurance etc.) and then I contiribute to rent, groceries and utilities. It's not even though, because FI makes  more than double my salary at the moment.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress? I have nothing so far, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a DW.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? I used to love to go out a lot. Usually 2-3 times a week. But in the last couple of years I don't feel the same. I'd rather relax at home. I guess part of it is maturity and responsibility and the other part is just not wanting to deal with the crowds and the BS that takes place out at bars and whatnot. I just have no tolerance for idiots anymore.
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? There was a wind storm a few years ago, all the lights were out, and my mother(who lived next door to me had a tree fall on her house. I was trying to keep her from going back in the house. The electric was sparking in her kitchen. We were up half the night.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless? We have 4 on the couch. I like them, in moderation.

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)? How do you think I've gotten most my animals throughout my life?

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? Abortion, but we agree to disagree.

    Do you split bills evenly? Nope

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    Not a thing.
    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody? Nope, I'm a homebody.
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  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with? Hmm, Hurricane Bob (my friends and I got really drunk for this one),Gloria,  Edward, Earl.... I spent my summers on Cape Cod, so we got some doozies

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?
    Yes. I have taken in 2 stray cats in the past.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on? 
    I would love another cat, but he says no.

    Do you split bills evenly?
    no, he makes much more than I do, so he spends more than I ever could. Since we are married now, it doesn't really matter.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    I would have saved less space for my family that didn't even bother to come and invite more friends

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?
    We love to socialize, and we also love to throw parties (we are having one on Friday), so I guess both?
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:39f7f630-96b0-402b-8c75-37f6285e7578Post:25541bf1-ec65-463e-80bb-b863a4ba6884">Re: How about a Poll?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: How about a Poll? : I love you. <img src="100px" />
    Posted by NatesGirl16[/QUOTE]
    <p> </p><p>You're sort of close there... try this:</p><p>Ack stupid thing keeps reformatting when I post... it's driving me insane! I will try to PM it to you.</p>
  • edited October 2010
    Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?
    Necessary! They make sofas and beds look much better.
    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?
    Of course! Not right now though, living in an apartment
    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?
    Erm, I honestly can't think of anything. I just asked him and he said "I dunno"
    Do you split bills evenly? No. We live seperately
    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    Well, I do wish I could have hired a wedding planner.. but I can't afford that.
    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?
    I used to go out all the time, but I am definitely more of a homebody now.
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    When I was little we were at the beach when Hurricane Bertha was striking - I was on a luggage cart and got tossed in the parking lot.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?
    Cat yes, dogs I am not so fond of

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?
    Having children

    Do you split bills evenly?
    Yes - we have a joint account and work together.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    I am married - and I don't think I would change anything, we had a great time (Vegas!)

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?
    I like to go out with my H - but I also like to be a homebody
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?
    I lived in miami during katrina and rita, we were out of power for 2 weeks and it was horrible.  Obv not hit as bad as others, but still awful.

    Hurricane in NE are bad.  Andrew, gloria, etc.  A few blizzards too.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?
    Dogs sure, cats go right to the humane society

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?
    Household responsibilities.

    Do you split bills evenly?
    No.  He makes way more money than I do, but we both pay out the same percentage of salary to bills.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?
    Guest list

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • Worst storm(s) you can remember dealing with?  Two years ago at Christmas we had a week of snow.  The plows couldn't keep up, and the Denver airport was closed for three days.

    What's your opinion on throw pillows- Necessary or Useless?  Useless, but I like them on the bed.

    Would you ever take in a stray animal (cat, dog - not wild animals)?  Yep.  We took in Muenster a couple of weeks ago.

    What's one thing you and your FI/H/SO strongly disagree on?  There's an obvious double standard with his kids and my kids.  It will never go away, and we're trying to deal with it.

    Do you split bills evenly?  Nope.

    For those of you married or well into wedding planning is there anything you would have changed about your wedding- vendors, guest list etc, dress?  I would have invited some more people, and changed some of the details.

    Do you like to go out an socialize a lot or are you more of a homebody?  I like to socialize much more than DH does.  Getting him out once in a while is a victory.
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