Snarky Brides

I should know this

but I can't remember...
Do you address save the dates with dates or just to the specific person?
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Re: I should know this

  • The save the date I just got from my cousin's wife to be was addressed to both my husband and myself.
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  • STDs are usually sent out so that people can make travel arrangements in advance.  It stands to reason that if someone needs to make travel arrangements for 2, they would need to know that, too.  Include the dates.
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  • I think if you know who the guest is you put the guest's name.  But if you're just giving them a plus one, you don't put "and guest" on the STD. 
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  • Thanks guys.  I knew that husbands and wifes go on but it was the plus 1's I was worried about!
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  • I figure, if someone is married or engaged you're going to put both of them. However if you have a cousin or something who is sometimes dating one girl and then dating another, I'd just address it to him only. It's just the STD. The invitations are where you have to be very mindful of relationships depending on who you plan inviting.

    You have to invite those you send STD's to. But don't necessarily have to send STD's to those you plan on inviting. Hopefully that makes sense.
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