Snarky Brides

Ok, I cave.

I tried to stay away.  No dice - curiosity is getting the best of me.

What is the URL for the knot post secret?

Re: Ok, I cave.

  • I just got done reading the latest secrets. enjoy! =)
  • I probably won't be back till tomorrow lol...
  • So are we going to talk about them?! 

    There were some interesting ones this time.
  • E's got their panties all in a twist over the orgasm one. 
  • :P

    I think the less than 1 carat one is pretty shallow :P  I mean mine weighs a total of at least 1.5...but seriously?  I think pretty much most diamond e-rings I've seen are really pretty.  And everyone's taste/budget is different..
  • I've been saddened by how many people are depressed. =(
  • Yeah, what a diick thing to say, not to mention ignorant.  There are diamonds that are less than a carat and worth more than $30,000 because of the color, cut, and clarity.  But hey, if you'd rather have a fug diamond that's huge, whatever floats your boat.

  • Yea, the less than one carat thing was shitty. Then again I refuse less than  1. Kidding! :P
  • Blueyed228Blueyed228 member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited July 2010
    The depressed ones bother me too.  I wish they would post some phone numbers to suicide hotlines or something for them.
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  • I love to pop pimples...but that chick who eats it almost made me lose my cereal.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:4bac9ec7-03b9-4e71-9a5c-a393616114bfPost:68852831-2674-443a-a676-2a6b0dd640c3">Re: Ok, I cave.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love to pop pimples...but that chick who eats it almost made me lose my cereal.
    Posted by chyleina[/QUOTE]

    Yeah that had to be made up.  No way.

    The diamond one was pretty lame.  People have their priorities all out of wack.

    And I totally agree that some of them are just so, so sad.  The DIY ones made me laugh though.  I avoid that board.
  • I don't see an orgasm one? I did chuckle at the DIY one! It has a fragment of truth. The one about the father made me tear up, and the diamond one is really, really stupid. She probably walks around with a nice 2ct. cloudy, yellow, grossly cut stone because it's BIG!!!! Dumbass.
  • I had grand plans of being constructive today at work and getting everything done before 12 so I could leave early but I'm addicted to the "secrets".

  • I didn't even want a diamond to begin with.  My birthstone is an emerald and that's what I wanted  Dan told me he was going to buy a diamond anyway because emeralds aren't as durable as diamonds (duh) and he was concerned it would get damaged.  The very next thing out of my mouth was "Well, I guess, but only if it's SMALL."  I love my ring.  It's exactly what I've always wanted. 
    My mom's e-ring is a little over 2 carats and she wears her e-ring & wedding band, and both of my grandmother's e-rings and wedding bands PLUS a diamond ring my Nana bought herself just for shits and gigs.  She had diamond rings up to her knuckle.  I guess I got sick of looking at them.
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  • JudieNJudieN member
    I had no idea these existed! I know what I will be doing at "work" today.

    I agree - the diamond one is ridiculous. AND the girl who had overspent her budget by $16,000 and not told her FI...that was a little scary! And it makes me sad how many people are depressed...or seemingly just married with huge regrets...or cheating.

    The original Post Secret ( DOES post information for a suicide hotline. It is actually pretty amazing how that site seems to bring people together in such an organic way. There was a post on there about someone thinking of jumping from the Golden Gate bridge and immediately there was a group created to stop him/her from jumping and thousands of postcards showed up, taped all over the bridge telling him/her not to do it. Very amazing. But I digress...Is there a way to recommend adding a link or a phone number on the site?
  • Well Heels, I thought it was pretty crappy for somebody to make a secret bashing a topic that a lot of women probably experience and are too nervous or embarassed to talk about in public in regards to the orgasm one.  Hearing other women having the same issue and how they deal with it was helpful for some of those posters, and making a snarky nasty post about that is not cool, IMO.  It's insulting to everybody who experiences it.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • This is the first I've heard of this and it is crazy how I.can't.stop.reading.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ok, I cave.</a>:
    [QUOTE]:P I think the less than 1 carat one is pretty shallow :P  I mean mine weighs a total of at least 1.5...but seriously?  I think pretty much most diamond e-rings I've seen are really pretty.  And everyone's taste/budget is different..
    Posted by future-mrs[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, I don't know how to take that - I have a pearl ring and no diamonds.  I like pearls much better.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:4bac9ec7-03b9-4e71-9a5c-a393616114bfPost:68852831-2674-443a-a676-2a6b0dd640c3">Re: Ok, I cave.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love to pop pimples...but that chick who eats it almost made me lose my cereal.
    Posted by chyleina[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, I felt the same way!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I also had no idea that these exist!  I love these and am going to sit here until I read all of them...
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