Snarky Brides

Hòla! Bonjour! Good Morning!

Eek! It's past seven and I have left for work. DH and I both managed to ignore the alarm that went off at 5am and we didn't get up til 6! Lovely little sleep in.

Anything exciting going on ladies? I have a regular work day going on, nothing special. Except my reports are done! Woo hoo!  That I am pretty excited about. I treated myself to a pair of leggings and a new sweater last night. I also saw these awesome jean leggings that the Gap carries but they were $80. Plus tax? Yeah, no way, as much as I would love to, I coudn't justify it. 

I should be rushing off to work this morning but I don't really feel like it. Perhaps I will update my blog instead. And then get a skinny vanilla latte on my way to work and saunter in at 8am rather than my typical 5 after 7. It will be lovely!

Hope you all have wonderful days... 
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