Snarky Brides

Why are people so rude?

Seriously, lots of rudeness lately.

T's sister invited us over to her house for game night last friday, she asked if we'd rather eat before or chip in for pizza. We chose to eat before. Well, right before we left she texted us to let us know if we wanted anything besides water that we would have to bring it with us. Okaaaay.

 Anyways, then we get there and she's like "We just ordered our pizza" and we get in a discussion about Dominos new pizza and how T doesn't care for it. She said "well thats good because you can't have any" they never ended up offering us anything (water, snacks, pizza, anything). I was just kind of surprised. If I have people over and host something you better believe I'll have some kind of snack (at least chips) to offer.


Today at work right before we were getting ready to leave some patient comes in all pissed off wanting to see the specialist, I told him she was busy but I'd help him. He looked at me and asked if I was a tech and said "you dont know anything then" then he started yelling at me and threw his hearing aid at me! He yelled and yelled and demanded I tell him what time fed ex would deliver something, when I explained that its guaranteed by 11:30 but I couldn't guarantee a specific time he told me that wasn't good enough and since i didnt know anything I should just keep my mouth shut. He went on and on until I got the tech then he yelled at her.
I've never had someone treat me with such little respect.


Now, tell me of your recent rude experiences so I know its not just me..

Re: Why are people so rude?

  • My coworker, on a daily basis.  I just fcck with her any time she comes and talks to me at this point.
  • Oh, and T's sister?  She be crazy.
  • One time at PetSmart I had a customer call to make a reservation with our boarding facilities. Due to the way our phone lines are set up if the department called does not answer the phone it goes straight to the managers phone. I did not have access to the hotel part because I don't work in that department (duh?). I asked the lady if she would mind holding and I would transfer her to our hotel. She then started screaming about how I was incompetant and a complete waste of air, a moron, fucking worthless piece of shiit, etc, because I wanted to transfer her. When she started her tirade I put the phone on speaker (my District Manager was in the office with me) and he ended up having words with her.
    Yep, because getting paid $12 an hour is sooo worth having to put with people like that.
  • is with T's sister.  That is beyond rude.  I can't think of any rude stories right now.
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  • Hahaha kim

    annnd I just got invited to an event (for a wedding) on FB from a girl I went to HS with and never talk to. I'm tempted to rsvp yes.
  • Katie- that is awful! I told me coworker that tomorrow I'm having our boss write a letter dismissing him as a patient. When he comes back on wed. I will tell him how I feel and then explain that he is not welcome in the office again. If she wont write the letter, I will.
  • It's because you're suchabitch, Roxy.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • Roxy, would it make you laugh if I told you I read your post title like Michelle Tanner? "How Roooooode"

    Some people just never get out of that egocentric stage where everything is all about them, others be damned. I'm sorry you had a crappy couple days.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • I stopped at the grocery store yesterday on my lunch break to get two things, coffee creamer and crystal lite.  As I'm getting in line at the only open register this woman with an overflowing shopping cart literally cart-blocked me so she could get in line first!  The she argued about every price that rang up, expired coupons, her discount card not being applied, yadda yadda yadda.  Then she took her sweetass time writing a freakin check.

    I hate people.

    No, that's not my real name. And FH's name isn't Nun (as in Nun ya bidness) either.
  • Hahahah missy, that definitely made me laugh!

    Tide- probably. Gosh, I'm so rude. When the patient told me to shut my mouth since I didnt know what I was talking about I just shut my mouth and stared at him for a minute.

  • Roxy, for a second I thought you'd lost your mind and were posting one of those "People are so meannnn on here!!!!!11" threads.

    But this is actually worse... I'm sorry.  I kinda hate old people sometimes because they can be so horribly inconsiderate.  It's like they think their reward for surviving 97 years is the right to say whatever they damnwell please.  Not cool.

    And T's sister sucks.  That's absurd.  When people come to my house, I'm pleased to offer them anything I have in my fridge.  Crappy host.
  • I'm a teacher.  During the last week of school, a parent came in to yell at me (in front of my class) because his child didn't past our state exam, which is clearly my fault 100%.  He informed me that he was going to "have my license" and I shouldn't be teaching because I don't have kids of my own and therefore cannot possibly know how to teach them.  On the contrary, I have been teaching several years now (with a good track record) and hold two degrees in education.

    The kicker?  His kid DID pass and the dad just didn't know how to read the results properly.  Priceless...

    Seriously, there should be rules are who is and isn't allowed in public.

    06.24.11 OBX, NC
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  • msteach- that is hilarious! I'm sorry he acted like that though, where do people get off? I swear some people come from a whole 'nother planet.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:516a4d28-81a1-4598-97eb-890b6b4993a3Post:c6450c1a-dafb-4c13-a488-ac3e84d717b9">Re: Why are people so rude?</a>:
    Posted by didalittlejig[/QUOTE]

    Awsome.  I have a stalker.  So that's new.
    No, that's not my real name. And FH's name isn't Nun (as in Nun ya bidness) either.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:516a4d28-81a1-4598-97eb-890b6b4993a3Post:9e4f9bea-164a-4a31-a32c-7d943bbfbb30">Re: Why are people so rude?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I stopped at the grocery store yesterday on my lunch break to get two things, coffee creamer and crystal lite.  As I'm getting in line at the only open register this woman with an overflowing shopping cart literally cart-blocked me so she could get in line first!  The she argued about every price that rang up, expired coupons, her discount card not being applied, yadda yadda yadda.  Then she took her sweetass time writing a freakin check. I hate people.
    Posted by Midgie373[/QUOTE]

    Ahh!! This happened to us at the zoo last week.  All I wanted was my $4 bottle of water.  This family (grandparents, parents, FOUR screaming kids) cut me off.  I smile... hey, they have kids... they need it more than me.  They then proceed to ask questions about everything from the type of popcorn they use to how cold the lemonade is.  Then, after placing a HUGE order, they gripe about the prices. It took forever!  All the while, there's another worker just standing there watching the other person do all the work.

    I hate people too.
    06.24.11 OBX, NC
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:516a4d28-81a1-4598-97eb-890b6b4993a3Post:c81f7745-a8b2-4caa-8977-da80c96ab816">Re: Why are people so rude?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Why are people so rude? : Awsome.  I have a stalker.  So that's new.
    Posted by Midgie373[/QUOTE]

    Shh.. don't acknowledge it.
  • Jenny Love, I am a funeral director, and I also hate a lot of old people. They often never have anything good to say, and most of what they want to talk about concerns their ailments and how much it sucks being old. 

    It may suck being old, but I guess it sucks more to be dead?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • When Taryn was 2 months old, we had made plans to visit my FIL at his place.  Things got a little behind schedule because Taryn decided that she needed to eat before we left, so we called FIL to let him know that we would be about 1/2 late.  He flipped his shiit on DH, telling him that "having a baby is no excuse for tardiness" (I'm pretty sure it IS, actually) and that we "needed to be more responsible."  Ummm.  Yeah.  Needless to say, we didn't go over.

    DH and FIL didn't talk for a while after that.  FIL yahooIMed me, saying that there was a misunderstanding and he wanted to reconcile.  I told him that it was ironic that he jumped on us for giving him a courtesy call to let him know that we were going to be late, when the last TWO times that we had plans with him, he was either a no-call, no show or was an entire DAY late.


    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • Pretty much ALL of my patients are old (we do sell hearing aids afterall), it gets...well, old.
    This guy was actually one of our "young" (50-60's) patients.
  • I would have told him that "being old was no excuse for being late."  

    No, that's not my real name. And FH's name isn't Nun (as in Nun ya bidness) either.
  • Tide, you FIL sounds a lot like my step-dad, except he won't contact anyone to apologize. If you wrong him, whetehr you know it or not (because he won't confront you about it) then he's done with you. It drives me bonkers! He is also the reason my sister and BIL don't really have a relationship with my mom anymore. I think being inflexible is just as rude as being slightly tardy, especially if you give them a heads up first.
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  • Tide- thats crazy. You can't just tell a baby to suck it up, at least you gave notice.
  • SarahP - oh, he doesn't apologize.  By saying it was a misunderstanding, he was still trying to put it on us.  I've never gone off on anyone before like I did that day, especially my ILs, but I was so damned pissed off.  It was still another couple of months after that conversation (which he didn't reply to) before he called DH and they hashed it out.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I love this post...makes me crack up reading it.

    I work as a gym receptionist and I get rude people calling me all the time. Last week, I had a guy called me about membership and I gave him the same speech about prices and yada yada yada. He then asked for my manager, and my manager came down and said that I all I wanted his money for membership and not asked about his fitness level and goals and told her that I did not have good customer service, and he won't be joining the gym.

    Seriously, I hate people with a brain of a walnut.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:516a4d28-81a1-4598-97eb-890b6b4993a3Post:0f1f0fc0-7e8f-4c8d-8dec-07da0b8c7d05">Re: Why are people so rude?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love this post...makes me crack up reading it. I work as a gym receptionist and I get rude people calling me all the time. Last week, I had a guy called me about membership and I gave him the same speech about prices and yada yada yada. He then asked for my manager, and my manager came down and said that I all I wanted his money for membership and not asked about his fitness level and goals and told her that I did not have good customer service, and he won't be joining the gym. Seriously, I hate people with a brain of a walnut.
    Posted by Koolkay83[/QUOTE]

    Because his fitness level and goals would effect the price of the membership?  That guy needs a weight dropped on his head.
    No, that's not my real name. And FH's name isn't Nun (as in Nun ya bidness) either.
  • the words of Larry The Cable Guy "I don't care who you are, that was funny right there"
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  • PiruPiru member
    Not recent but I have some good stories from my variety of jobs...

    One. I'm 18? And a national park ranger. Some group of guys with classic cars somes in, and one of them acts very similar to your old dude. I don't even remember what it was about, but yeah, I got the whole "you don't know anything so STFU while I have a tantrum" spiel.

    Two. I work at Fred Meyer (a department store kinda like Target that's common in Oregon) in electronics. Some guy buys a DVD player or something similarly large. It's raining (shocker... it's winter in Oregon) and the guy is hella pissed that I do not have a plastic bag for his large item. We have normal sized ones and big ones, but not quite big enough for big objects. He gripes about how it's raining and now he has to try to keep it dry on the way home. Really? I'm pretty sure you knew it was raining when you left the house. You couldn't have bought it on a different day? It's not like we have bags big enough for our chairs or desks or 50" plasma TVs, either.

    Three, the best one. I'm a hostess at a country club. This old couple comes in when I'm new and when they see them on the reservation list, the waitresses gasp and moan and beat their chests in anguish. I wonder what the eff the deal is. Then the guy screams at me and just about has an anuerism for bringing him his complimentary bday month dessert with a candle in it.

    It gets better though. They were bickering the whole time. The guy apparently does not wear his ring anymore because it doesn't fit him right and the bickery old wife says something like "fine, we can get a different one or resize it" at which point he just about has an anuerism complicated with constipation.

    It helps to remember these people like to make everyone miserable because THEY are miserable, horrible people that nobody can stand :D

    And if you should die before me, ask if you can take a friend. Pick a flower, close your eyes,and drift away- STP
    June siggy challenge!
  • !!! I know what Fred Meyer is! I miss Fred Meyer! It makes me sad no one can understand it.
  • That sucks, Roxy. At least you can tell the guy he's not welcome to come back. And the sis is just rude, I can't imagine hosting a game night and never offering at least a Coke or something.

    Most of my rude stories are from when I worked at the zoo, since people seem to check their manners at the door when they visit. One time I yelled at a kid who was trying to feed the giraffe Skittles after I told him nicely 3 times not to, then the father started screaming at me that I was a racist (they were Latino). He went on and on until eventually his wife told him to stop, and I just said, "Maybe I'm a racist, maybe I'm not, but at least I don't try to kill giraffes by feeding them candy." I knew just what would happen by saying that too--he reported me to guest relations, and once they found out the story his membership was revoked and they were banned for like 6 months.

    Another time I had to lecture a grown-ass man for not climbing over the fence and pressing his face up against the back of their bear enclosure (which was a fence, not glass like out front). He got angry, called me a bitch, and flicked his lit cigarette at me. Luckily a few keepers were right there and were able to grab the guy before he did anything else.
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