Snarky Brides

2012 poll

Because I love cew and 2012 and would like to talk about it

1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen?
2) What would you put in your preparedness kit?
3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where?
4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012?

Re: 2012 poll

  • 1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen?  Not really
    2) What would you put in your preparedness kit? My cat.
    3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where? Nope
    4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012? It doesnt, only because  I think a lot of these things have been going on for years, we just hear about it more now with the media.
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  • I don't think it will be a crazy series of natural disasters like the movie, but I do think there is a huge shift in our attitudes towards the planet that is occuring. I also think there have been a lot of climate changes which will make the year 2013 and beyond very different than 20 years ago. I more foresee some illness knocking us out, Black Plague style. I also think that anything that happens in the year 2012 will be given far more importance than it deserves.

    If it is a crazy end of the world I'm just going to pray a lot and keep my loved ones close. If it's a massive power outtage I'm going to to get lots of water, stock pile non-perishable foods and lots of animal food as well.

    I'm driving up to the President's super secret bunker hide-away that's about 25 miles from my house and demand entry. I think it will go over swimmingly.

    I think it's a lot of media hype honestly. Of course we didn't know about all of these disasters 40 years ago, because 1) as a nation we probably didn't give a crap and 2) we weren't so global to know about these things. We are all at ages where we notice and care about what happens, but I bet if you asked a normal 10 year old about them they would go "what disasters?"
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't think it will be a crazy series of natural disasters like the movie, but I do think there is a huge shift in our attitudes towards the planet that is occuring. I also think there have been a lot of climate changes which will make the year 2013 and beyond very different than 20 years ago. <strong>I more foresee some illness knocking us out, Black Plague style.</strong> I also think that anything that happens in the year 2012 will be given far more importance than it deserves. If it is a crazy end of the world I'm just going to pray a lot and keep my loved ones close. If it's a massive power outtage I'm going to to get lots of water, stock pile non-perishable foods and lots of animal food as well. I'm driving up to the President's super secret bunker hide-away that's about 25 miles from my house and demand entry. I think it will go over swimmingly. I think it's a lot of media hype honestly. Of course we didn't know about all of these disasters 40 years ago, because 1) as a nation we probably didn't give a crap and 2) we weren't so global to know about these things. We are all at ages where we notice and care about what happens, but I bet if you asked a normal 10 year old about them they would go "what disasters?"
    Posted by katiewhompus[/QUOTE]

    Yes!  Which is why I am way more a 'The Stand" fan by SK than anything else ;)
  • Nebb - did you ever read Celestine Prophecy?
  • 1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen?
    2) What would you put in your preparedness kit?
    my dog and cigarettes
    3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where?
    4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012?
    I think this stuff has been happening for hundreds of years, I dont see why it is all of a sudden big news.
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
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  • 1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen? I try not to, but it always sneaks into my brain.  I think it would be some kind of major natural disaster, but I'm just not sure which.  
    2) What would you put in your preparedness kit?Water filters, stockpiles of medicine, FI's EMT kit, contacts because I'm effing blind, non-perishables, and I'm liking the plastic sheets idea.  
    3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where?Someplace that is less likely to slide into the Atlantic than NJ.  
    4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012?It certainly makes me wonder, but like Blueyed said, these things have been happening forever, but there's a lot more media hype surrounding all of them now.  Also, I'm sure there is a ton of stuff about those prophecies that has been conveniently left out to keep things interesting.  I am pretty positive that we'll be our own demise, though.
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  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: 2012 poll : Yes!  Which is why I am way more a 'The Stand" fan by SK than anything else ;)
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]
    OH MY GOD!!! that is one of my ultimate most favourite books EVER. I read it ever june (end of june) so that I get freaked out about captain tripps.

    M-O-O-N that spells meaghan is awesome.
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]Nebb - did you ever read Celestine Prophecy?
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]
    YUP! you gave it to me and I Read it all the way through!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: 2012 poll : OH MY GOD!!! that is one of my ultimate most favourite books EVER. I read it ever june (end of june) so that I get freaked out about captain tripps. M-O-O-N that spells meaghan is awesome.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    Baby, you can dig yo' (wo) man ;)
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    I feel like me an you were meant for eachother. Youre welcome to join us in my 2012 bunker.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:530c8cbe-17d1-4287-8160-66c677de9754Post:79573b9e-5381-4d25-8ba3-04ca76bbdb00">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]Nebb - did you ever read Celestine Prophecy?
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    I read this book years ago, and I passed it on to someone else and have been trying to think of the name just recently. I love this book, may have to buy another copy.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:530c8cbe-17d1-4287-8160-66c677de9754Post:5fc7b3d6-dfcc-4693-8da8-edff46bec95a">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: 2012 poll : YUP! you gave it to me and I Read it all the way through!
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    Awesome. I thought that was in the group that I sent to you. Every time I think of 2012, I think of that book.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]I feel like me an you were meant for eachother. Youre welcome to join us in my 2012 bunker.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    I have just informed Mike. He mentioned the trek to Canada might be a bit much on foot, but it would be so worth it.
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: 2012 poll : I have just informed Mike. He mentioned the trek to Canada might be a bit much on foot, but it would be so worth it.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]
    Heading north works for 2012 AND zombie apocolypse. Zombies cant handle canada winters.
  • In Response to <a href="">2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]Because I love cew and 2012 and would like to talk about it
    <strong>1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen?</strong> Eh, I waiver back and forth. I do think the earth is shifting somehow and needs a cleanse.  Mostly I just believe the Mayans' calendar ended in 2012. They couldn't predict time past that point.
    <strong>2) What would you put in your preparedness kit?</strong> Well, since we already have one (thanks H), MREs-meals ready to eat, army style- bottled water, batteries, canned food that is shelf-stable for 10+ years, extra clothing, blankets, dog/cat food, first-aid kit, seeds for plants.
    <strong>3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where?</strong>  Probably at my parent's house. They live in the sticks.
    <strong>4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012?</strong> I kinda feel more strongly that the world is trying to purge or cleanse herself. Something is going to happen, but I'm going to take faith in my belief that the earth will take care of those who love her and take care of her.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    Oky doke, now for my answers:

    1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen? Yes - I dont think it will be earthshattering california sinking into the ocean disaster, but I do think big things will happen to change the world forever. I do believe in the shift in conschiousness (cant spell, too lazy to fix). Just look at the oil spill - I think that is going to change a LOT of things, its just one of many that will happen.
    2) What would you put in your preparedness kit? ax, large bottles of water, propane hotplate, firewood, canned everything, dried everything, nut butters, powdered milk, pills and medicine, and toiletries.
    3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where? Naa, just hunker down in my house I think.
    4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012? I think its all leading up to something. What, I dont know, but I think the earth is becoming increasinly unstable (more so than normal).
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]oh, and I would bring my Spice World dvd. People must know the reason earth was destroyed.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]


    I don't know if I believe it or not, but I'm not going to dive down into a damn bunker and wait for fallout. I'll jump right into the middle of the sinkhole/tidalwave/earthquake/meteor explosion and find out what happens after this chapter.
  • 1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen?No.
    2) What would you put in your preparedness kit? Beer! J/K everything that I would put in a hurricane kit.
    3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where?Yes, in my mom's backyard!
    4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012?I feel nothing.
  • My answer to everything is: in case of the end of the world or a zombie attack, the person I hope I'm with is Nebb, because she's totally prepared for these things and I think my chances of survival would be great.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Zombies can't handle an Iowa winter, either. I'm safe here! I may be grumpy and cold, but by god, they'll freeze like Jack Torrance did in the The Shining (movie) before they get to me.....
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • Yay 2012 poll!

    1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen?
    Yes I believe in the year 2012 ;)  No I don't believe the world will end in that year, and as far as I understand it neither do the Mayans, who supposedly claimed the world would end.

    2) What would you put in your preparedness kit?
    Shotgun, machete, bottled water, rope, batteries, flashlight, strike anywhere matches, astronaut food (it takes up less space)

    3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where?
    Most likely.  I'd try to find some sort of abandoned bomb shelter, but if I couldn't I'd use the wine cellar at my parent's house.

    4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012?
    No different.  I dont' think there's been any sort of increased activity.  I think that it's just that the normal activity is hitting closer to land so we're experiencing it more.
    kd.joseph's wish is my command
    Just call me "Brothel"
    And betrothed, I'm disgusted with most of the comments that you have posted. I don't think I've ever read such judgmental comments in my life. I'm so lucky that the girls I speak to on theknot are nothing like you...I would've never come on here for ADVICE if I would've encountered a big a bitch as you. I genuinely feel awful for your children or your future children, and I think it would be irresponsible of YOU not to invest in their future therapy sessions starting now. Because trust me when I tell you honey, they're gonna need it. ~jcaruncho2010
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  • 1) do you believe? If yes, what do you think will happen?
    No, how would they have predicted it?  Also, people keep changing what year it will be, for a while they claimed it would happen in 1912 and so on.

    2) What would you put in your preparedness kit?
    Guns, bullets, Water, water purification, hasmed suits, dried food (never canned), bow and arrow, dog food, swards, spears, Kindel, tools, my puppies.

    3) Would you create a bunker? If yes, where?
    We wouldn't make one, there are many unused places that would be a ready made bunker.  Fi says never to tell people where it is, people will still be some of the most dangerous things out there.

    4) How does all of the recent (2010) earthquakes, massive bottomless sinkholes, storms and other disasters make you feel about 2012?
    It does seem end of the world ish and makes me wonder.  I do think they are more common now, and it makes me wonder.

    As for Canada and Zombies, it all depends what Zombies your dealing with.  Max Brooks has ones that freeze, but not all do.  I will say World War Z is the best of the Zombie books, but that may be because it helped FI and I meet.  

    Lastly has anyone read Dies the Fire?  I'm reading it and find it great.
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