Snarky Brides

Is this a good price?

I'm naming my price for my rental car and for 7 days they give me $182.73. Thats good, right?

Re: Is this a good price?

  • Sounds good to me! Dh once had a rental car for 7 days and it cost him well over $1k.
  • When we were in FL over the winter we rented a Mustang convertible for 65 bucks a day. So, even if you are renting the standard car, it still sounds like a good price to me!
  • Is that before or after taxes?

    Taxes tend to add another $100 to the price.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Lord yes.  I'm going to say, even if it's an extra $100 for taxes that's pretty good.
  • Also if you are picking it up from an airport there is an extra fee. When FI and I got into our accident we got a rental for a month and the insurance covered $20 a day and if we would have picked up from LAX we would have been charged like an extra $100 that wouldn't have been covered by the insurance.
  • Sounds like a really good deal to me.  Just check for hidden fees and remember they charge your credit card extra when you first get it so try not to use a debit card because it takes a while to get back.
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  • Thats after taxes and everything.
    Can you tell big purchases make me anxious? I'm such a perfectionist that I freak that I'll do it wrong or could've done better.

    Jamie- yea, whats with the hold they put on your card. Hows that work?
  • Also - what type of car is it?

    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Roxy, do you mind if I ask which company you got that from? We're looking into maybe renting a van for the move, and that would be a GREAT price!
  • Poli- Priceline "name your price!" but its through Alamo
  • I just booked it! Now all thats left is the hotel...which I'l lbe even more anxious about I'm sure
  • Sorry roxy- I think it is some sort of deposit.  When I rented a car in Vegas I put it on my debit card and they held an extra 100 dollars for a few days.  I was actually back home before I got it back.
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  • Erg, I'll have them run it as credit but I really can't afford to have a stupid hold on my card. Hmmm...

    Ok, I'm off to drive home! Thanks!
  • Just an fyi- I used to work for Avis and that hold on a debit card is some reassurance to the rental company that you'll bring the car back or if you keep the car later than your reservation that there are funds in your account to cover. It doesn't get processed for release until after you return the car. Also, if you give a rental car company a debit card they will only use it as a debit card. If you pre-paid for the rental through Priceline the rental company will still put a hold on your card. Make sure you have the money in your account! 
  • edited July 2010
    roxy- I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but just in case... Rental companies will require an actual credit card to imprint. This isn't a case where you can hand them a debit card and have them run it as credit. If you present a debit card and they agree to accept it, they will place a hold (between $100-$500) on your card and it will not be released until you return the car (and then it takes a few days to clear your bank). 

    Rental companies are really hard on debit card users. Not all companies will actually rent to folks with a debit card, and of those that do, not all locations of that company will. Usually, the airport locations will, provided you show a plane ticket into that location. I don't use credit, and found that I had to open a credit card account just to make travel easier. 

    ETA: sctfrk beat me to the advice! I type slow. :(
    AMA over 40
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    BFP 1/11; MM/C discovered @ 10w, loss at 6w; Cytotec
    B/W 7/11 = normal CD3, FSH 8.9; 7DPO progesterone 1.7
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    Inj. IUI #3 1/30/12 BFP!, HCG doubled through 6w, 7w u/s mm/c twins
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    BFP 9/7/12 EDD May 19, 2013, beta #1=291 beta #2=762 beta #3=7306
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    "Petra, you are an obese 40+ year old. Stop jumping through these hoops. Just adopt already. There is no shame in that." -Deethebee
  • Thanks girls. That kind of really sucks but I'll work it out
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