Snarky Brides

So, who is ready for Friday?


Re: So, who is ready for Friday?

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yesterday's is emotional too. Last week my friends and I made a pact that none of us would watch it alone. We've been watching PP and Greys together since they started and it sucked that people had to work/travel so we couldn't be together last Thursday. Yesterday one friend and I decided we'd better watch it so we didn't get too far behind, but we still watched it together. It was so intense. 
    Posted by SarahPLiz[/QUOTE]

    I'd say that's a good pact.  I'd say it's one of the only shows that guarantees I'll need Kleenex. 

    The part on Grey's from a few weeks ago when the husband brings in the flowers to Mandee Moore and is talking to her and stuff, oh man, H nearly broke out into sobs.  I mean, he's a manly man and all, but talk about father/son relationships, or a wife dying early and he's a mess.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yeah stupid me watched last week's episode during lunch and I spent the entire time sniffling and wiping my eyes.  Guess that's what's in store today as well.  I'm glad they did a segment on this though, and having Charlotte make the statement that it's nothing like in the movies or on tv.  I think that really hit the nail on the head.
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  • I agree shay.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: So, who is ready for Friday? : Meg, do you work at a college? I ask because we are in OH season as well.
    Posted by allisong23[/QUOTE]

    <div>ditto here. So. many. tours. too.</div><div>
    </div><div>Morning ladies!  No plans for the weekend. None at all, and I'm so excited.  Although I suppose that means I need to write my thank you letters. bah.  </div>
  • JenGin74JenGin74 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited November 2010
    I'm really effing cranky today.

    Also, I read that whole AATB2 thread this morning and it made me even crankier than I already was.

    Edit:   Good morning
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am so excited for this weekend! A bunch of us are renting a house in the Catskills for the weekend for some drunken debauchery. It is going to be such a great group too. You know when you are meet people after a few drinks and you start saying stuff like "We should open a bar together!" or "We should totally rent a house and go on vacation together!"? Well, we are doing it. A bunch of my friends from all these different parts of my life (work, college, growing up, the Cape) met at the wedding and really hit it off. So 13 of us have this huge house in upstate NY for the weekend. <strong>It is either going to wind up like The Shining, Animal House or Clue. </strong>Or maybe a mixture of all three. We are hoping people don't start disappearing.
    Posted by allisong23[/QUOTE]

    I vote for Clue! I love that movie.  Except I hope no one dies.

    No exciting plans for the weekend for me.  I feel so tired that I just want to stay in bed.  I need to get in gear with this wedding stuff though.
  • Good morning all- so happy its Friday!  Stayed up late watching the Falcons game..dragging a bit this morning. I have a job interview before lunch and I'm pretty nervous about it.  No pressing plans this weekend, so looking forward to relaxing with FI before the holiday rush begins.

    Have a great day everyone.
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  • Morning Ladies!

    Nates sorry you are sick. I think half this board has been sick.

    I woke up with a headache. So yeah sinuses acting up. DH is getting better now that he is on antibiotics. Tomorrow I get my hair did, and finish laundry so DH can start getting his things around for his big trip. I took this coming Wednesday off, so I can spend the day with him before he leaves.

    So nothing extraordinary going on here.
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  • Jen...can you give me a short version of the AATB2 thread because I am on page 3 and there are a lot of pages left...
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Jen...can you give me a short version of the AATB2 thread because I am on page 3 and there are a lot of pages left...
    Posted by number55[/QUOTE]

    I too would appreciate some CNs. 
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Jen...can you give me a short version of the AATB2 thread because I am on page 3 and there are a lot of pages left...
    Posted by number55[/QUOTE]

    <div>Some: 'you're all too nice, quit kissing ass"</div><div>some: "don't be so mean to newbies"</div><div>rest: "am I a reg yet? am I newb?"</div><div>
    </div><div>ok, fvck it, let's acknowledge there's a weird vibe lately and all get along. It's ok to disagree, it doesn't mean anyone hates you.</div>
  • P.S. PP ladies, please give me a warning if you're going to post spoilers. I haven't watched last weeks or this weeks! kthx.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: So, who is ready for Friday? : Some: 'you're all too nice, quit kissing ass" some: "don't be so mean to newbies" rest: "am I a reg yet? am I newb?" ok, fvck it, let's acknowledge there's a weird vibe lately and all get along. It's ok to disagree, it doesn't mean anyone hates you.
    Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell.   I can't quite put my finger on why the whole thing pissed me off, but it did.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: So, who is ready for Friday? : Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell.   I can't quite put my finger on why the whole thing pissed me off, but it did.
    Posted by JenGin74[/QUOTE]

    <div>Because it was all "let's talk about not talking about this."  It was weird. Nothing bad, just weird.  But I participated, so I probably shouldn't comment.</div><div>
    </div><div>oh, I forgot the debate about what face tastes like. tuna? chicken? venison? and faces with rainbow and tear tattoos taste best.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]P.S. PP ladies, please give me a warning if you're going to post spoilers. I haven't watched last weeks or this weeks! kthx.
    Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]

    Will do.  I will try to keep it spoiler free.  I've seen last weeks, but not this weeks, and if you've seen the previews for last weeks, I don't think we've spoiled anything so far.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: So, who is ready for Friday? : Because it was all "let's talk about not talking about this." <strong> It was weird. Nothing bad, just weird.</strong>  But I participated, so I probably shouldn't comment. oh, I forgot the debate about what face tastes like. tuna? chicken? venison? and faces with rainbow and tear tattoos taste best.
    Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]

    I think you hit the nail on the head with it being weird.

    Personally, I don't usually comment if I don't have something nice to say unless I have very strong opinions about the topic being discussed.

    I can very easily turn my biitch switch on to spice this place up a bit. Just say the word and it's on  :)
  • I'm just here for the makeup sex.

    My money's on Monday for a little baby Mag!

    Cew, any chance you have time to stop by a certain exit off the interstate?  Bec's in town working on her house and I'm going to be home all day because we're finishing the basement.  Maybe we could meet up if you have time and Ben is cool with it.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm just here for the makeup sex.<strong> My money's on Monday for a little baby Mag! </strong>Cew, any chance you have time to stop by a certain exit off the interstate?  Bec's in town working on her house and I'm going to be home all day because we're finishing the basement.  Maybe we could meet up if you have time and Ben is cool with it.
    Posted by marriedfilingjointly[/QUOTE]

    I hope so!
  • Good Morning!

    My only weekend plans are to finally get ready for Thanksgiving. That means I get to move furniture again because the arrangement isn't working for me, and that I need to break out my big serving dishes and bowls so that I can inventory and write out my baking/cooking timeline for the holiday, and probably go to the grocery for some random thing I've forgotten.

    It's been threatening to snow and I hope it does.  I need a cheer-up.
  • I can't wait to sleep in and feel better.
  • Hey ladies. I am definitely glad its Friday. This week has been too long.
    It sucks that everyone is getting sick. I have a bit of a sore throat, so thats making me nervous.
    I'm going to try to get out of here an hour early today. I have plans to go to my parent's house and pick out which necklace I want to wear (borrowing pearls from my stepmom). We are also going to Sam's to buy the paper/plastic and champagne and possibly some other items.
    Tomorrow I am going to bootcamp, then a baby shower, then to my SIL's house to work on wedding projects. I am hoping we can wrap up all the crafty crap. So tired of looking at it!

    Mag, I hope the baby decides to make an appearance today! Or at least sometime this weekend :)

    Hey Mehgank! Good to see you back around- I was just thinking about you this morning.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:616c6c3e-bf59-444a-9b51-bfe34e53c170Post:3eea949d-ad79-421a-a328-2fa8204d451c">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good Morning! My only weekend plans are to finally get ready for Thanksgiving. That means I get to move furniture again because the arrangement isn't working for me, and that I need to break out my big serving dishes and bowls so that I can inventory and write out my baking/cooking timeline for the holiday, and probably go to the grocery for some random thing I've forgotten. It's been threatening to snow and I hope it does.  I need a cheer-up.
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]

    You are hard-core woman! I get to do nothing this year, yay! After years of cooking, I'm done. DH and I will have a mini-Thanksgiving that Saturday. We may just do cornish hens and pretend they are tiny turkeys!

    Any-so glad you are feeling better.
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  • Really Stacey? Awww, now I feel all bashful and stuff.

    I'd create a thread with an update, but my TK account is all effed up and I can't create a new thread.

    Long story short: deployment went well and I made it safely back to Miami. Had two weeks of fun-time with FI, and am now back at work. FI gets deployed soon, which means I'll be spending the holidays all on my lonesome.
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  • Good morning, Ladies.
    Go have that baby, Mag.  It's time.
    It's not going to get out of the 30's all weekend, but I guess we're overdue for some cooler weather so that's ok.  And I'll get to have a fire while we decorate the tree.  I put it up last night, and the kittys went nuts over it.  We've got to let them settle down before we put anything on it.
    I made dmiller's candy recipe last night.  They're delicious - like pretzel turtles. 
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good Morning! My only weekend plans are to finally get ready for Thanksgiving. That means I get to move furniture again because the arrangement isn't working for me, and that I need to break out my big serving dishes and bowls so that I can inventory and write out my baking/cooking timeline for the holiday, and probably go to the grocery for some random thing I've forgotten. It's been threatening to snow and I hope it does.  I need a cheer-up.
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]

    If I lived anywhere near you I would totally crash your house for the holidays. You'd have to roll my ass out of there.
  • KD, we did cornish hens last year, and it was great! I also made mini cherry pies in the tiny disposable pie tins you get from the store (6-inch maybe?). I wish we could do it again this year. 
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:616c6c3e-bf59-444a-9b51-bfe34e53c170Post:b4609968-cca4-4e09-b4ed-c4e2ae2546dd">Re: So, who is ready for Friday?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Really Stacey? Awww, now I feel all bashful and stuff. I'd create a thread with an update, but my TK account is all effed up and I can't create a new thread. Long story short: deployment went well and I made it safely back to Miami. Had two weeks of fun-time with FI, and am now back at work. FI gets deployed soon, which means I'll be spending the holidays all on my lonesome.
    Posted by mehgank[/QUOTE]

    Really really! I figured your absence had something to do with work :) Aww, thats sad you have to be alone.. do you have any friends in Miami you could spend it with?
  • Les, those are cute! I love rolos. and pretzels. and pecans. I'm going to have to try those sometime.
  • I'm gonna fly home for Christmas. I'm telling my whole family that we can't afford it due to the wedding planning and stuff, and then gonna surprise them a few days before Christmas. I can't wait, I've never done anything like this before. :-D

    Will is sad that he'll miss Christmas with me, but we'll just celebrate when he gets home, no biggie. We're used to having to work around his deployments (that's why we celebrated my birthday early and Valentine's Day late this year).
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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  • Thanks for the CNs ladies...I have feeling on the topic but its likely a little too late to add them to the pot and frankly I am never quite sure of whether my thoughts are valid interpretations of reality or skewed so I tend to keep them to myself because I don't want them misinterpreted.
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