I'm clueless on this one and wondering if anyone else has experience with this.
Mom called me at work today frantic because her cat was drooling, sneezing, and couldn't breathe well. Picked up dad (we carpool) and drove home asap. We took her to the emergency vet where we found out the good news and the bad news.
The good news is she tested negative for pnuemonia, FIP, Feline Leukemia and a host of other nasty things. Pretty surprising considering she is an outdoor cat who hasn't gone to the vet in 12 years.
She does however have a very substantial heart murmur (3 out of 6 on the vets scale) as well as a physically huge heart, about three times the normal size. She is staying at the vets overnight and my parents have two treatment options.
Option 1 ) She goes to a cardiologist for more testing, gets massive meds, and lives the rest of her life inside on drugs. She's an outdoor cat and I think she would physically harm herself if she could only stay inside. You guys know I'm a strict advocate for indoor cats, but after 13 years I don't think she can change.
Option 2) She comes home and gets medicine for the antiobiotic and one day will have heart failure. She's already 13 years old and dad's opinion is "she would rather go out chasing a rabbit than drugged out on the chair" and I'm inclined to agree.
Thoughts? Advice?