Snarky Brides

random poll...

1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?

2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?

3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?

4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?

5. what's your favourite flower?

Re: random poll...

  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? yes, but the spelling has been a constant pia my whole life

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? not at all. I love my job so that is the good news, but I do way to much to take a day...

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? put them off, but mostly because of the question above

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? new work clothes. I need to go shopping but I am thinking of waiting for the weather to really turn and just get winter stuff

    5. what's your favourite flower? orange/pink tigerlilies or coral roses
  • . do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? I'm cool with it. I hated it as a kid because I knew 2 other people with the same first and last name, and the one that was my age also had the same middle name. Then my mom told me that they were going to name me Lelia Suzanne, and I backed off. 
    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?Relatively, yes. I have a hard time letting myself do it because of my workload, but all I have to to is email my boss and let her know. 

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?I put them off most of the time, but I'm getting better about the dentist. Cleaning I will put off until I just can't anymore. It is simply not a priority in my life. 
    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?Yes, I want s new Volvo stationwagon. My dad has offerred to buy my car for his GF after X-mas, and that's what I want. I don't know anyone who has one, though, so I guess its not really coveting. 
    5. what's your favourite flower?Calla lillies
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  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? I love my first name and I don;t recall ever wanting to change it

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?  Yes, because at this point I'm kind of hoping they lay me off.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? Sometimes. It really depends on the situation. I have different levels of procrastination

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? I think I may have found my dream house. I look at the online pics every day and already have it decorated in my mind. Is that what you mean by coveting?

    5. what's your favourite flower? Tiger Lily
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?   No.  I've never liked Leslie as my name.  I always wanted to be Julie.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?  It used to be.  I'm reasonably flexlible (such as taking off this afternoon to take Cheddar to the vet), but since our reorganization it's harder to schedule any extended time off.  I still have 21 days I haven't taken this year that I will lose December 31.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?  Definitely a procrastinator.  If it doesn't involve a prescription expiring, I'm not going to get it done on time.  Note to self - call the dentist for a cleaning and the attorney for will updating soon.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?  I really want snowshoes for my birthday.

    5. what's your favourite flower?  I'd have to say the tiger lilly.  They're so pretty.
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  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?
     It's alright. I didn't like it when I was young because it's super common. I wanted to be named Alexis, because I think Lexi is the best.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?
    I work for my parents, and my job doesn't really justify me being full time anyways, so it's pretty easy.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?
    Oh I put off as much as I can.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?
    I have my Kindle and my wedding dress, so nothing right now!
    5. what's your favourite flower?
    Orchids. And tulips.
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? I used to hate my name because nobody could spell it properly or say it correctly but now I love it because it makes me 'me'.  My new married name is VERY common but because of my unique first name I still feel like 'me'.  I don't have a middle name and I have always hated that. When I was a kid I wanted it to be Jacqueline.
    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Yes and no. I get paid sick days so in that sense, yes. It isn't like I lose pay for not going. But I have to do so much work ahead of time to be away that I rarely do it. I did it today because I felt really run down. I don't regret it this time. But there have been other times where I have been really sick but it has been such a bad time of year to take a day off so I haven't.
    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? I am finding more and more my procrastination is getting worse. Not good.
    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? I want a new house. Unfortunately this involves at least two years of saving to get a down payment saved.  I hate waiting for things.
    5. what's your favourite flower? It used to be gladiolas. Now I think I really love anemones and peonies. Sunflowers will alway be significant because of the wedding.
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one?
     now? Yea. When I was a kid, I wanted to be Stasia, (my great grandma that I was named after) I just didn't understand why they didn't just name me that instead of changing it to Stacey. Now, I am fine with my name. I am ready for a new LAST name though :)
    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?
    Yea, my boss is pretty awesome.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?
    Actually, its weird. I procrastinate, but stuff like doctor's appointments- I never do. I always go when I'm supposed to.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?
    Yes. Lots. I want a nice new black leather handbag. Scouting it out now..
    5. what's your favourite flower?
    I love white and yellow roses.
  • 1. do you like your first name?Now,yes when you were a kid did you want a different one?Yes, Brandy now? No, I like my name now.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Yes, but I dont. People want to know whats wrong with you if you do.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? Certain things yes.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? I need some new black boots.

    5. what's your favourite flower? Calla Lily, see bio!
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  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?
    I do not like it, never did. WHen I was little I was convinced my mom and dad gave me the wrong name and I should have been Olivia, after my Grandfather Oliver. I still want to change it. I have wanted to change it to JACK for the longest time.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?

    Not at all. I'm the only one that does my job and without me the owners are lost. Literally. My last day off they called me seventeen times to ask questions about orders

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?

    All the time, I am currently putting off all of teh wedding planning I don't want to do as well as several doctors appointments

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?

    A Kindle, and a Fourth wedding dress. I saw a design on a posting here that I fell in love with.

    5. what's your favourite flower?

    The Ghost Orchid
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:715a7a18-973d-492c-813f-34d6f181d519Post:d8a7a7ab-3a81-4642-9492-d0484863446f">Re: random poll...</a>:
    [QUOTE]1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?   It's alright. I didn't like it when I was young because it's super common. I wanted to be named Alexis, <strong>because I think Lexi is the best</strong>. 2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? I work for my parents, and my job doesn't really justify me being full time anyways, so it's pretty easy. 3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? Oh I put off as much as I can. 4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? I have my Kindle and my wedding dress, so nothing right now! 5. what's your favourite flower? Orchids. And tulips.
    Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]

    Lexi is my drunk name. Lexi Brown.
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?
    No. It's too common and people never spell it right. Or say it right, I get every other version but what it actually is. One person who has known me for years calls me Katrina, which isn't even close.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?
    Personally, yes. I can take a day off and not feel the least bit guilty about missing work. Other than that, no. We're treated like children here. If we need a day off we have to request it through this online thing, then it must be approved. If we call in sick without the approval, we get a lecture on how we need to be more prepared for such events. And if we don't have a doctor's note then we get written up, demerit style.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?
    The dentist for sure. Mine is calling me like a debt collector trying to get me to schedule a cleaning. The sheer annoyance of their calls makes me never want to go back. I also put off cleaning the shower. That's the worst chore ever.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?
    I don't think so.

    5. what's your favourite flower?
    Sunflower. And surprisingly, it's the first flower H brought home for me without even knowing it was my favorite.
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?  I love my first name but I have to admit, I didn't fall in love with it until I dated a guy named Courtney. I called him "Me". Now I buy almost EVERYTHING I see with my name on it. Cah Ray Zee!

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Yep. I can just call sub center and my clerk. Day off!

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? Get them over with. I used to be a horrible procrastinator and my life was all over the place. I was always playing catch up. With 2 kids, you gotta get stuff done NOW!

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? We want a new house so badly. Waiting......

    5. what's your favourite flower? I love roses. I always have because my father would give them to my mom when we were little. To me they say "I love you sooo much."
    And the whole time, my future husband was in the room...... image image
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? I'm ok with it now.  I hated it growing up, because it was the second most common name the year I was born.  There were always a lot of Stephanies.  But my last name is unique, so it's ok.  FI's last name is really boring.. um, I mean common, so I'm back to not liking my first name.
    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Depends on the time of the year.  Now? probably. Feb-Sept? absolutely not.
    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? I forget to do them, but I don't intentionally put them off.
    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? I really want a macbook.  No reason except they're pretty.
    5. what's your favourite flower? Calla Lilies. :)
  • LOVE me some polls with my coffee! LOL

    1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?
    Yes, but I have a hard time when people (coworkers, I'm looking at you) misspell my name. And when I was a kid, I always wished my mom had made my middle name (Rochelle) my first name. Mehgan just seemed so common to me, and on TV shows/movies, the Mehgan character was never the lead, she was always the chubby best friend of the lead.
    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?
    It used to be hard for me, but now it feels justified. I haven't taken a sick day in over a year, and I earn 30 days paid vacation time per year which I don't mind taking. This job sucks the life out of me, I might as well get paid to sit on the beach with my hot FI rubbing coconut oil on me every now and then.
    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?
    Yes for dentist, but not for pap. Mainly because our dental tech on base is a sadistic bitch, everyone calls her Rosie the Ripper because it's like pure torture getting our teeth cleaned by her. Compared to that, I'd get a pap done everyday LOL.
    I've been putting off getting my heart checked out for these weird palpitations for over two years now. 10-15 times a day, my heart does this super-hard pumping fluttering thing, and it scares me a little.
    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?
    This Temple St. Claire ring:

    5. what's your favourite flower?
    I have a few: baby pink tulips (they're just so cheerful), sweet peas (love their fragrance) and white with black centers anemone flowers (I have them in my bouquet and on my cake).
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  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?
    Yeah, I'm cool with it.  I didn't like that it was a normal name with a strange spelling when I was growing up, and it still annoys the piss out of me when someone who should know how to spell it correctly messes it up, but I like my name.  I think it looks prettier the way I spell it ;)

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?
    Yes and no.  My boss never argues or anything if stay home, but I do feel guilty when I don't come in, and I usually regret it for about a week afterward.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?
    I definitely put things off and I know I shouldn't.  I'm working on this.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?
    Coveting is a sin... just sayin'.

    5. what's your favourite flower?
    Carnations. They're fairly inexpensive and last forever.
    kd.joseph's wish is my command
    Just call me "Brothel"
    And betrothed, I'm disgusted with most of the comments that you have posted. I don't think I've ever read such judgmental comments in my life. I'm so lucky that the girls I speak to on theknot are nothing like you...I would've never come on here for ADVICE if I would've encountered a big a bitch as you. I genuinely feel awful for your children or your future children, and I think it would be irresponsible of YOU not to invest in their future therapy sessions starting now. Because trust me when I tell you honey, they're gonna need it. ~jcaruncho2010
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  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? My first name is very common.. but I go by a shorter version of it

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? it is if i still have vacation or sick leave

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? Just get them over with

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? I want that mac computer.. the one where the harddrive is built in so its just a monitor and keyboard... it just looks cool

    5. what's your favourite flower  Daisy and Tulip
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:715a7a18-973d-492c-813f-34d6f181d519Post:e67f2632-0a39-46d3-be0b-3b26d260651d">random poll...</a>:
    [QUOTE]1. do you like your first name? <strong>Yes, it's Holly. </strong>when you were a kid did you want a different one? <strong>Yes, I wanted to go by my middle name, Nicole. </strong>now? <strong>I haven't met a Nicole I like.  I'm really grossed out by the name.  My first name has really grown on me, I love it now.
    </strong>2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?<strong> Yes, except for holidays, I HAVE to work mon-fri Holidays besides Xmas day and Thanksgiving day.  But I won't take days off.  I really refuse to.</strong> 
    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? <strong>I don't mess around when it comes to gynecological stuff, but I procrastinate on everything else.</strong>
    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?
    <strong>A kindle. My birthday is Monday, I want that, or a new pair of house slippers.</strong> 
    5. what's your favourite flower?
    <strong>Sunflowers right now.  </strong>
    Posted by number55[/QUOTE]
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  • A note about Calla Lillies- They are by far my favorite flower. However, when I was searching online for calla-themed items, they all came out looking like vaginas. That disturbs me. I showed FI some toasting flutes from Oriental Trading and he almost died laughing
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  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? yes I do.  And when I was a kid I used to want to change my name to Minnie Mouse.  True Story.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Super easy, my office is the best!

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? I just like to get them over with

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?  not that I can think of...

    5. what's your favourite flower? peonies
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  • edited October 2010
    1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?  I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. I think the fact that my parents had to spell it differently always made my life difficult, especially in school.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Fairly easy. We're supposed to give 2 weeks notice for personal days, but if something comes up or you're sick it's really not a problem.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? I put them off.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? An iMac. I love my laptop and all, but I really would like the desktop and large screen for my freelance work.

    5. what's your favourite flower?  White Anemones.

    ETA: I read the second question as if you were asking if our jobs are easy going about people taking days off..but then I read Meg's answer so now I'm confused. I guess in that case it's moderately easy, usually even when I'm home sick I work from home because no one else here can do my job.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:715a7a18-973d-492c-813f-34d6f181d519Post:3d82d674-3970-4402-8ebe-eeecf2aa5474">Re: random poll...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: random poll... : Lexi is my drunk name. Lexi Brown.
    Posted by staceytaylor0704[/QUOTE]

    hahah mine is Daniella. My friends and I made up names for when we were single and didn't want to talk to guys at bars. Using our fake name was the signal to our others friends we were not interested and to move on.
  • edited October 2010

    OMG, that's too funny that we have our drunk names. Mine is Cyrus (after Selma Blair's character in Down To You - I love her).

    And about me taking days off work, I didn't realize what the question was asking (if it's hard for me to call in because they need me, or if my bosses are good about giving days off). So, for the latter, yes, we're allowed to call in sick for one day, but if we want/need a second day we either have to provide a note from an ER doc or come in to the clinic for sick call and get seen by a CG doc.

    As far as vacation time goes, we have to put our vacation requests in no later than 2 days before our planned vacation day.

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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:715a7a18-973d-492c-813f-34d6f181d519Post:f78c44c6-ba16-4a7f-9c77-c786f7f53972">Re: random poll...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: random poll... : hahah mine is Daniella. My friends and I made up names for when we were single and didn't want to talk to guys at bars. Using our fake name was the signal to our others friends we were not interested and to move on.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]

    Yep, thats exactly what it was for. Lexi Brown hasn't had to make an appearance in a long time.  
    I like Daniella, very sexay.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: random poll...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: random poll... : hahah mine is Daniella. My friends and I made up names for when we were single and didn't want to talk to guys at bars. Using our fake name was the signal to our others friends we were not interested and to move on.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]

    Me and a friend of mine have done this before. But I couldn't tell you the names because we made up different ones every time.
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? It's ok.  Yes, I hated it when I was younger, mostly because people always screwed it up and I couldn't have cool pencils with my name on it like all of my friends.  Now, I don't really care, it fits me I guess.  A couple of weeks ago, FI and I went to Olive Garden and our waitress introduced herself with my name.  It was so weird, I never hear of anyone with my name.  (other than the olympic swimmer)
    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Yes, we have flex time at work so we can work our schedules how every want to.  If I don't feel like working one day, I can make that time up later in the week or use vacation time. 
    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? I'm working on getting better about this
    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? not really
    5. what's your favourite flower? daisy
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? I love it. Never went to school with another one with the same name, nor have I met anyone with it.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Depends on how you look at it. Either I have to 'work' every single day or I don't work at all. I'm a stay at home mom.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? A little of both. Cleaning I do right away, other things, like dentist appointments, I'll put off for a couple of weeks.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? I absolutely want an African Grey.

    5. what's your favourite flower? Any kind that smells nice. I don't really have a favorite.
    I'm not good at feelings.

  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? I love my first name, it means flower in Hindi... but it's so difficult to pronounce, and I love when I get a take out order from a random place, and I just say "Yep, it's on a weird pronounced, messed up name"

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? Nope, but I love my job... It's been a dream job since I was eight, looking up at the stars.

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?I just get them overwith. The longer I wait, the worse it becomes.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? I want new shoes, and we just had a minor change in seasons, so sandals/heels aren't gonna cut it.

    5. what's your favourite flower? Yellow roses with the edges in red, or plumeria

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Miss K ~
  • anna.oskaranna.oskar member
    Eighth Anniversary 10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited October 2010
    1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?
    -I like it but when I was young I wanted it to be pronounced like my grandfather said it.

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?
    -Nope. Then who would cook dinner and clean?  ;)

    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?
    -nope.  the only thing I put off is scrubbing the floors.

    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?
    -a christmas tree topper.  We don't have one yet and I'm looking for the perfect one.  Unfortunately, the ones I've liked are ridiculously priced. But I want one.

    5. what's your favourite flower?
    -peruvian lilies
  • 1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now?
    I've always liked my name, and I like the nickname I go by (it makes sense, just shortened ya know)

    2. is it easy for you to take a day off work?
    3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with?
    Not really, I like to get stuff over and done with ASAP
    4. is there an object you are really coveting right now?
    I would love to have a few things - a properly working vehicle would most likely be at the top of my list.
    5. what's your favourite flower?
    I think I like all flowers - anything pretty.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:715a7a18-973d-492c-813f-34d6f181d519Post:6425bb9a-d0b6-49a6-ac58-f85cb99e7331">Re: random poll...</a>:
    [QUOTE]1. do you like your first name? when you were a kid did you want a different one? now? -I like it but when I was young I wanted it to be pronounced like my grandfather said it. 2. is it easy for you to take a day off work? -Nope. Then who would cook dinner and clean?  ;) 3. do you put off things you hate doing (dentist, pap, cleaning, etc...) or just get them over with? -nope.  the only thing I put off is scrubbing the floors. 4. is there an object you are really coveting right now? -<strong>a christmas tree topper.  We don't have one yet and I'm looking for the perfect one.  Unfortunately, the ones I've liked are ridiculously priced</strong>. But I want one. 5. what's your favourite flower? -peruvian lilies
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]

    anna, we got a Yoda w/lightsaber tree topper last year at Target. We were in the Christmas aisle and FI was about 10 feet further down from me, and I heard him gasp. I thought he saw a rodent or something, but he picked it up, his eyes sparkling, and asked if we could get it. I couldn't deny him that LOL.
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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