I'm feelin' kinda snarky today so I'm gonna let it fly.
So I got a fantastic coupon for Joann's a week or so ago. Did, like, three consecutive hours of reserch on which would be cheaper: votives and candles seperate or together? Shipping, tax, which coupon is better... I mean, the works! I came to the conclusion that it would be cheaper to buy the votives from Joann's and the holders off of amazon.com.
Skip to about two days ago. I get an email from amazon saying ym order's been cancelled. No othe rinfo. Wth??? So I scroll down and the actual sellers of the holders, City Living (remember this, they suck!), sent me an email. They just said that amazon had listed their product incorrectly and cancelled my order I should get a refund in 1-2 business days.
What??? So I'm pretty peeved. Because of something they did, I don't have my holders and have about 100 candles. Everything I've seen is about 3 or four times more expensive than the listing I frickin' bought with my own money.
So I take a deep breath. I emailed City Living saying something to the effect of I understand where you're coming from, but I spent a long time researching what was best for me and my situation and, through no fault of my own, it was cancelled because they listed it wrong. Is there anything we can do?
Okay, super adult of me, right? Well she emailed me back with this:
"Unfortunately, we are unable to help you at this point that the order has been canceled. I suggest that you go back to the listing you ordered from us ( we will not be listed there anymore). You should contact the seller before placing the order to make sure you know what you will be paying for exactly."
That's it. Nothing more. First off, the order was cancelled at about 5am and how would I know it would be cancelled to contact you about any problems? Second, amazon is pretty reputable. Why would I contact them and be like "Is this correct?" You assume its correct. And anyways...
Not my fault!!!!
So I chatted with customer service on amazon.com and since its from a seller and not them, they can only give me a $10 promo code. I figure this is better than nothing so I tell them, ok sure.
So I start looking at listings (I need 72 holders) and they are ALL from different sellers, not amazon directly. Annnnd, here's the kicker!, the promo is only good for amazon products, not something sold from someone else. AHHHHH!!! I'm going to pull my freaking hair out!
Plus, I get to email Sassy City Living Lady back because I haven't been credited my money back yet.
Okay... sorry this is long and I have NO idea what's up with all of these fonts, but I just can't believe this crap... ugh... >.<
ETA: So you can see the difference, originally it would've been $14 for 72 holders plus shipping. Now, the cheapest I can find, would be $41 including shipping.