Snarky Brides


I kinda stalked your bio yesterday and uh, your e-ring is GORGEOUS.

I just had to tell you that because I was admiring it for a few minutes.  : )

Re: *staceytaylor*

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: *staceytaylor*</a>:
    [QUOTE]Spanks ma'am! I love it too, a LOT :) I forgot to put it back on after my shower yesterday and realized when I was halfway to work.. I felt so bare and unsparkly all day.
    Posted by staceytaylor0704[/QUOTE]

    Haha, I know the feeling. The couple of times I've forgotten mine I always realize as I'm driving to work and it makes me feel crummy. It's like a part of me now, which is weird because I really don't wear jewelery other that. Then again, maybe that's why I notice it so much. 

    I still stare at mine alot, though. Partly because it's sparkly and partly because FI and I were together for over 6 years before we got engaged and I can't believe we're finally getting married. It's crazy.
  • I still stare at mine all the time too. Do you have a pic of yours? I wanna see the sparkle. :)
    I totally know what you mean about not believing its actually happening. 6 years, eh? Thats awesome. FI and I have known each other for a long time, but only been dating about 2.5 years. I get stupid excited occasionally, even more now that we are closer to the date. I remind him a few times a week how many more days we have left and he just grins and shakes his head at me.
  • You are pretty close. I'd get really excited too. I'm much farther out, but every time I book another vendor or something I kind of squeal to myself in my head.

    Here's the best pic I have:

  • You will be surprised how quickly the time flies though!

    Girl that is GORGEOUS! I originally wanted a round stone, but I quickly changed my mind when he gave me the ring. haha
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: *staceytaylor*</a>:
    [QUOTE]You will be surprised how quickly the time flies though! Girl that is GORGEOUS! I originally wanted a round stone, but I quickly changed my mind when he gave me the ring. haha
    Posted by staceytaylor0704[/QUOTE]

    Thank you!

    Same with me but the opposite. I initially thought I wanted a princess cut stone, but yeah, once I saw it I was very happy. I didn't care if it was shaped like an eggplant, I was just so excited to be engaged to him.
  • Aww! Its not quite as sparkly, but its the thought that counts, right? haha
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: *staceytaylor*</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aww! Its not quite as sparkly, but its the thought that counts, right? haha
    Posted by staceytaylor0704[/QUOTE]

    Bahaha!! Exactly.

    Hilarious pic.
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