Snarky Brides

Honeymoon PIP

Okay, finally got some of the digital photos. We went to Dominican Rep and it was sooo beautiful.

Our room

View from balcony


Seal kisses

Little puppy I found...the size of a hamster and drank the whole bottle of water :(

Resort lobby

Stray cat at Dominican airport. I wanted to take her home sooo bad! She snuggled right up on my lap. I was in heaven.

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Re: Honeymoon PIP

  • You have a slammin' figure.
  • Looks like a great trip. We got sea lion kisses too in the Keys! But no stray puppies or kitties.

    What's your tattoo of? I always wanted one on my ribs but I imagine it hurting like hell.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:9ab40f59-cfa1-4191-8691-3dfb072d01a0Post:24163094-695f-46b3-9b79-21ef956181c1">Re: Honeymoon PIP</a>:
    [QUOTE]You have a slammin' figure.
    Posted by zippityb[/QUOTE]

    lol, thank you!

    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:9ab40f59-cfa1-4191-8691-3dfb072d01a0Post:3f0b08a1-c4ad-4ccc-80d0-503d5a0459de">Re: Honeymoon PIP</a>:
    [QUOTE]Looks like a great trip. We got sea lion kisses too in the Keys! But no stray puppies or kitties. What's your tattoo of? I always wanted one on my ribs but I imagine it hurting like hell.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    I wanted one on my ribs too but he wont let me :( The one on my stomach is a rose and butterfly...its actually a coverup

    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • Looks beautiful, I would like to be there right now.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Kitty!!  My H got mad at me for taking so many pictures of cat on our HM....

    That looks nice!  And a bit windy.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Looks like a you had a great time. And I second and third the slammin body statement.

    I seem to find animals wherever we go also, like the cat I attracted in Ireland.  Did the puppy belong to someone? Cause now I'm worried about both the cat and puppy.
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  • I am so jealous of this HM.  I want any trip right NOW! Looks like an awesome time!
  • Haha, thanks for the compliments.
    Sadly, the little puppy is just a stray. It was at the beach where we did snorkeling - it just hangs out by the people that work there. There are enough tourists that I think it will always get food and water though...thats what I'm telling myself. The puppy just looked so sad. The kitty lives at the airport which is also sad. However, its not at all underweight and the tourists love her. We got her food and water and when we were leaving we saw her getting more food/water from others. She also caught a lizard while we were there. I would have given anything to take home the cat and puppy...breaks my heart!

    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • Where in the DR did you go?  I spent a semester abroad there in the 90s and I loved it.  We spent pretty much every weekend in Sosua and Puerto Plata.  Gotta love having the beach a 90 minute - $0.60 bus ride away!  Studying...who needs studying? 

    Beach, resort and you all looked great! 
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