So I'm sitting at the hospital tonight. On the night before Thanksgiving when I should be giggling because I'm buzzed on wine while I'm preparing everything for tomorrow. I should be stress-free because I know I have the next 4 days off of work.
But this, my friends, is not the case.
Monday I found out I have strep and my doctor took me out of work for the week. Yay for surprise vacations, even if I do feel like ass. I can live with this.
Yesterday, my 7-year-old asthmatic starts coughing a little. We give her breathing treatments, go to the doctors and get usual steroid prescription and "Keep an eye on her and you know what to do if it gets worse." (we've been down this road before - several times)
As of right now, I am sitting in a hospital room with my 7-year-old watching her wheeze and unable to fall asleep due to all the steroids in her system, after having been awake most of last night.
Mostly this is just self-pity and whining, but I had to get it out. Because IT'S NOT FAIR.