Snarky Brides

MeaghanandMichael - kinda long


Re: MeaghanandMichael - kinda long

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:b2576c32-0c91-4b70-9826-c945de30bf0aPost:1d62a65d-cc9f-45e6-a0a6-1e355d5c6c4c">Re: MeaghanandMichael - kinda long</a>:
    [QUOTE]She isn't saying (I don't think) that the venue is $20,000.  She is saying that the venues that she has been looking at could push her budget up to $20,000 (or did I read it wrong?). 
    Posted by mewebster59[/QUOTE]

    Exactly ^^^  and I do apologize I didn't mean to leave anyone hanging by running off i did not realize

    Right now I have a glass of wine and I am ready to start getting creative and cut this budget
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: MeaghanandMichael - kinda long</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: MeaghanandMichael - kinda long : Yep.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    <div>Indeed. OP makes me think "what the hell is all of this?". As to Indiana being known for Platinum weddings (as one PP mentioned) that may well be, but I live in Minneapolis where the overall cost of living is pretty high. I have personally attended many lovely weddings that cost less than 20K here, as in half of that.</div>
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