Snarky Brides


Thanks for the backup on 'FI being a jerk' thread on chit chat!

Re: *Seshat*

  • You know, Jenny, you didn't have to brag about your delusional little dream world where everything with your FI is all "sunshine and roses". For real couples living in reality, it's totally normal to be all "You're not allowed to watch tv because one of us forgot to turn on Mr. Kittykins homing device!".

    If you fire a WP member, you're against America.

    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: *Seshat*</a>:
    [QUOTE]You know, Jenny, you didn't have to brag about your delusional little dream world where everything with your FI is all "sunshine and roses". For real couples living in reality,<strong> it's totally normal to be all "You're not allowed to watch tv because one of us forgot to turn on Mr. Kittykins homing device!</strong>".
    Posted by megk8oz[/QUOTE]

    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • HA!!

    Yeah I'm an asshat, true story.

  • No problem. I was kind of so-so on the whole thread until I got to that part. It was just so ridiculous that I had to comment. I didn't even bother to see if she responded to my past post because it was kind of like talking to a rock.

    And meg, awesome. I just got a good laugh out of that.
  • Oh, and I've been trying to place who your FI looks like and I've decided he needs to play Raylan's brother on Justified. He totally reminds me of Timothy Olyphant.
  • OMG yes he gets that all.the.time but I've never seen the show.. I need to check it out.

    In some photos he also looks like Sean William Scott, just not the one in my sig (it's actually a funky photo of him but a good one of me so I don't care lol)
  • Omg, he does look like Timothy Olyphant!

    Glad I made you guys laugh, I didn't want to touch that thread with a 10-ft pole, lol.

    If you fire a WP member, you're against America.

    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
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