Snarky Brides

Know what I found out today?

A bunch of the freshman girls had a prostitution ring going on.  I'm not sure if it was recently or last year (which is worse, since they'd only have been in 8th grade).  They were giving regular BJs in the park behind the school and then figured, "Hey! We can charge for this!".  So they did.

Five bucks.

Re: Know what I found out today?

  • Future Entrepreneurs of America
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • Their parents must be so proud.

    How did you find out about this?
  • I know.  I wonder how this epiphany hit them.  Did one girl text another, "You know what?  I bet they'd PAY for it!"?  Were the boys mad when all of the sudden they had to pay?  Did the boys do extra chores to have more spending money?

    I focus on these aspects, rather than the obvious, because it makes me lose faith in humanity. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:c8aefca9-9830-4e49-8f85-b38fe5ea8a67Post:a3c72b5c-6277-43a3-8b61-b008335e817e">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Future Entrepreneurs of America
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]

    CQTM. Seriously though, that's effed up.
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  • AnysunriseAnysunrise member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited October 2010
    What the hell is wrong with them?

    They probably could've gotten 20.

    ETA: Seriously though, there's so much wrong with that. What a shame.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]What the hell is wrong with them? They probably could've gotten 20.
    Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]

    Bahahaha. They're still young.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:c8aefca9-9830-4e49-8f85-b38fe5ea8a67Post:5cc9d02c-9e5e-478d-ac92-d701427d9a22">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I know.  I wonder how this epiphany hit them.  Did one girl text another, "You know what?  I bet they'd PAY for it!"?  Were the boys mad when all of the sudden they had to pay?  Did the boys do extra chores to have more spending money? I focus on these aspects, rather than the obvious, because it makes me lose faith in humanity. 
    Posted by NatesGirl16[/QUOTE]

    I wish I would have thought of charging.  At that age, I was just doing it so boys would like me.  What a waste. 
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:c8aefca9-9830-4e49-8f85-b38fe5ea8a67Post:107c5d09-181d-40e0-b013-fa0695e846fa">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>What the hell is wrong with them? They probably could've gotten 20</strong>. ETA: Seriously though, there's so much wrong with that. What a shame.
    Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]

    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I know!  I have to focus on the monetary aspect because thinking about fourteen year old prostitutes makes me sick (especially since the ringleader is in my homeroom and sits right in front of me).

    Jen, one of the teachers told me on my prep.  Apparently, either a parent or cop (there were two versions going) found the kids and it spread from there.  A parent whose daughter was hanging with the ringleader brought it up to that teacher today in a conference. 
  • Someone should tell them that does not count as an extra curricular activity and it won't help them get into a better college. Well unless the admissions office is in fact easily persueded by BJs.
  • Know what I found out the other day?

    My sister is a furry.  Thank you, FB.  I needed to read that.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Know what I found out the other day? My sister is a furry.  Thank you, FB.  I needed to read that.
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]

    <div>Things that you shouldn't post on FB #543: Your sexual fetishes.</div>
  • I love when Any's around.  FTW!

    I'm not going to lie, though, that was my reaction, too.  Five bucks?  Especially since they obvious had quite a clientele built up.
  • Was it on school property?  In all seriousness, I joke because this whole thing makes me really uncomfortable. How do you even look that girl in the eyes?
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:c8aefca9-9830-4e49-8f85-b38fe5ea8a67Post:7ce9ee7c-cb29-4c52-b257-2840fdb6cb5b">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Know what I found out the other day? My sister is a furry.  Thank you, FB.  I needed to read that.
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]

    Just to be clear, isn't a furry someone that likes having sex in animal costumes?
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  • OMG Nates, that is seriously gross. I don't even know what to say.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Know what I found out the other day? My sister is a furry.  Thank you, FB.  I needed to read that.
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]

    VOM. CSI led to believe that furries don't TALK about being furries. It's like a clandestine secret life!

    So, Nates, I guess the illegality of charging for sex never occurred to them? Yes, geniuses, many people have had that idea. In all of human history, if the phrase is true.

    Thankfully no diseases were spread? I'm guessing? Cause then it would be like that episode of Degrassi when Emma got throat gonorrhea.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:c8aefca9-9830-4e49-8f85-b38fe5ea8a67Post:5d7ecc76-35e5-4e52-9b41-cb814296157d">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Know what I found out today? : Just to be clear, isn't a furry someone that likes having sex in animal costumes?
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    This is what I thought.  However, in her "outing" she wrote a diatribe about how the subculture is more about embracing and celebrating your inner animal self, but that it's image has been bastardized by a select group of people that like to have sex in animal costumes.  By saying that, I'm guessing that she does <em>not</em> have sex in animal costumes, but that doesn't stop the mental image of a unicorn being humped by a ferret from crossing my mind every time I talk to her.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • I'd say unicorn. 
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Oh, God, FB overshare.

    Jen--it wasn't on school property, if I have the story correct.  It was somewhere in the park that borders the school.  Luckily, I found out right after homeroom, but I did stop by the volleyball game to see some of my girls play and she was there.  Sitting with a huge group of boys.  I couldn't stop myself from joking, though, when they left and returned a few minutes later.  I immediately thought, "Well that was fast, but I guess at fourteen...".  Isn't that terrible of me?

    Mery--I'm actually surprised they even thought to charge at all. 
  • In that case, that IS awkward. Sorry Tide.
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  • That poor ferret. It would have zero chance.
  • This makes me terrified to have children. But I'm also partially horrified that they didn't charge more. If I were gonna sell my goodies they would not come cheap!

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]That poor ferret. It would have zero chance.
    Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]
    Nah, he's doing the humping.  Minimal chance of magical horn goring in that case.

    But, seriously, that is awkward and suckass for you, Tide. 
  • OP- Yikes.

    Tide- OMG. Your explanation didn't make it any better.

  • I should probably clarify by saying the image of a person dressed as a unicorn being humped by a person dressed as a ferret.

    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Know what I found out today?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I should probably clarify by saying the image of a person dressed as a unicorn being humped by a person dressed as a ferret.
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]

    <div>That would make a lot more sense. I was picturing an actual unicorn going to town on a tiny little ferret.</div>
  • OMG the thought of putting a boy's winkie in my mouth at age 14 made me want to puke. (Late bloomer, party of 1). I didn't even have my first kiss until I was 15. I can't even imagine what kind of self-esteem issues those girls must have. :(

    Does your sister go to the furry conventions, Tide? Heh.
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  • Bubbalub - Everytime I see your name it makes me think of a diner near here that was on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives called Hullabaloo! Soo good!

    And yes I realize your SN is no where close to that but I tend to think of the restaurant as "Hubbabaloos" for some reason..?? "Hullabaloo" for me is like "Spaghetti" for a 3 year old. Pesghetti!
  • Jenna we have a burger restaurant called Fuddrucker's and I always call it Fuckrudder's in my head. Heh.
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