Snarky Brides

Break-Up in our Wedding Party

:(  FI and I have a BM/GM that have been together almost exactly a year.  We both knew them before they got together and now we're all really good friends.  They had their fair share of problems but who the hell doesn't?  I know it's their decision and whatnot and it is probably for the best...but it still makes me sad.  Thus far, it seems they'll stay friends which is great.  Guess the bullshit got to be too much...

Anyone else have a couple in their wedding party?  I'm not worried at all about the wedding, I know they'll be adults about it.  I'm more worried about them individually.  It'll definitely effect our "group" ya know? Bleh, this stinks.

FI and I have already done the "maybe they'll get back together" round...they both are awesome people.

Sorry this got long...just had to vent I suppose.

Re: Break-Up in our Wedding Party

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Break-Up in our Wedding Party</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aw, that sucks.  It's always hard when there is a breakup in a group of friends. FI's sister and her husband are in our WP.    They have been married 12 years (together for 22) so I don't think we'll have any problems there. :)
    Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]

    LOL, I would hope not...that would really suck. 
  • We had a BM and a GM that were dating, but split up in a really awkward breakup.  Since then, BM has fallen completely head-over-heels for another guy, and GM is still single.  I don't really know how they're going to interact (they had a LDR and they haven't seen each other since the breakup), but both have come forward and told me, without being asked, that they're respectful adults and they will behave in public towards each other.

    I think you just have to assume that they know better than to be jerks in public, or to go out of their way to make things awkward.  Can you seat them at different tables, with different friends?  They don't have to be together all day.

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  • Aw, sad.

    DH's sister and her then-boyfriend, now husband were in our wedding.  That was the only couple.  They had dated for like 7 years (since high school), and I didn't even think about the possibility of them breaking up until I was listing the bridal party on our wedding website and was trying to figure out what to call the boyfriend.  I think I may have called him Future Brother in Law to the Groom. 
  • Not in our WP, as they are all female and 2 are sisters, but I really wish FI's groomswoman would break up with her boyfriend because he creeps me out. They were in town this weekend. I was hoping that this time he might be more tolerable, but he's not growing on me at all. Just plain creepy.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Break-Up in our Wedding Party</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aw, sad. DH's sister and her then-boyfriend, now husband were in our wedding.  That was the only couple.  They had dated for like 7 years (since high school), and I didn't even think about the possibility of them breaking up until I was listing the bridal party on our wedding website and was trying to figure out what to call the boyfriend.  I think I may have called him Future Brother in Law to the Groom. 
    Posted by goheels05[/QUOTE]

    See, we never thought T & S would either...I think that's why I'm kind of in shock right now and bummed out.  And I'm going to live in Denial that they still might get back together...haha!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Break-Up in our Wedding Party</a>:
    [QUOTE]We had a BM and a GM that were dating, but split up in a really awkward breakup.  Since then, BM has fallen completely head-over-heels for another guy, and GM is still single.  I don't really know how they're going to interact (they had a LDR and they haven't seen each other since the breakup), but both have come forward and told me, without being asked, that they're respectful adults and they will behave in public towards each other. I think you just have to assume that they know better than to be jerks in public, or to go out of their way to make things awkward.  Can you seat them at different tables, with different friends?  They don't have to be together all day.
    Posted by baystateapple[/QUOTE]

    I'm not worried about our wedding.  I know they'll act like respectable adults...
  • That sucks.  Only a BM and an usher are a couple, and we know them both independently of their relationship (actually, she's my roommate, and he's FI's), so the breakup was never a concern.  At least you know they'll act civil towards each other.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Break-Up in our Wedding Party</a>:
    [QUOTE]That sucks.  Only a BM and an usher are a couple, and we know them both independently of their relationship (actually, she's my roommate, and he's FI's), so the breakup was never a concern.  At least you know they'll act civil towards each other.
    Posted by sarahmk5[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, there might be some awkwardness but with it still being a little over a year out...that may be gone by then, who knows.   FI and I knew S/T separately also.  It was really cool when they got together and it actually turned into something serious. 
  • Yup. We have one couple that have been together for about 4 years (it's always been the four of us as friends.) 

    My BM recently told me that they are having some issues/doubts... I really hope they don't break up (for reasons other than the wedding, of course!)  But if it happens, it happens.  It sounds like your friends will at least be able to handle the potential awkwardness!
  •     FI's bestfriend is his best man, best man's girlfirend is my bridesmaid. When she moved down here she didn't know very many people and we started spending a lot of time together so when I got engaged I knew that she would be great to have as a bridesmaid. My MOH is in the navy for the moment so he can't help plan much so she really helps me through all the stress. I thought it would be a little awkward with them both being in the party but it was a great choice.

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  • That is sad.  At least they are still friends.  I won't have that problem.  I have 1 BM, my MOH, who is also my 13 year old daughter and FI has 1 GM, his BM, who is in his 30s, he has been married for 10 years and they have a 2 year old son. 
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  • Geez.  No couples in our WP.  But we have two GM who can't stand each other (and promised to behave!) and a Best Man who is a bit of a curmudgeon and does not speak to someone we'd love to invite.  In fact, the Best Man has the potential of making our wedding day a living hell... FI and I had a big conversation about it over the weekend.  His wedding day was a bit of a mess, and if he pulls the same stuff at our wedding, I might have a cow.
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  • I have a few couples, but they are happily married.  I dont see any problems.
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  • we have a couple: the GM is FI's cousin and then FI's cousins GF is one of my BM. Her and I got really close when they lived with us for a few months in between them moving. IF they split up they would be respectful at the wedding. It would suck though!

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  • I was a bridesmaid in BF's sister's wedding and she told me if there were any problems between us, could we please wait until after the wedding to break up. I thought it was kind of funny.
  • yes we have 2 couples, my brother is a GM and my SIL is a BM, married for 7 years and have 2 kids, so pretty sure i don't have to worry about them... however the other couple DOES make me nervous (P is FI's best friend and the BM while K and I have gotten close over the past year and she is a BM) they've only been dating about a year, and sometimes it seems rocky... i'm actually worried they might break up and i think it would be awkward, especially since we're all flying from australia to connecticut and staying with my family.. :/ fingers crossed it doesn't happen!

  • We have no couples. I can't anticipate any problems. 

    Are you planning on having them walk together? That would be awkward, for me, anyway.
  • We have a married couple just celebrated their 3 yr anniv.(been together 8) and have a 4 month old baby girl. So I think we are good.
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  • My MOH and FI Best man are actually engaged and will be married 3 months after us -- my brother and sis-in-law are also standing up with us.  I am not worried about either, im really exicted to have both of those couples be a part of our day -- an being able to walk down the isle together, although a minor detail, is cute too
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  • We have one couple and they seem kinda rocky at times.  They are always fighting but I havent heard anything about them wanting to break up but who knows.  Our wedding is in 3 months so I hope that they stay together (not just for our wedding but for themselves).  If they do break up it will be weird and I dont think they will be very civil toward each other but it would be the same if they are in the WP together or just both guests.  I guess we will see!  He is my best friend and she is a great friend of mine and I hope they could put their differences aside if necessary.
    image 350 Invited so far! image 225 Are ready to party!
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  • We have a couple in our Bridal party. Ours are supposed to get married three weeks before us. I think that will both suck up thier differences and set aside everything to make your day special.
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