Snarky Brides

Creative costume people come here

So, I want to be the Aqua Buddha for Halloween. This is a joke you will likely only get if you live in Kentucky. So I'll give a quick explanation with Cliff's notes:
Rand Paul, son of former presidential candidate Ron Paul, is running for Kentucky's U.S. Senate seat. In one hell of a GQ article, it was revealed that in college, Rand was in a secret society that liked to smoke pot and play pranks. In one prank, Rand and some friends "kidnapped" a young girl and made her bow down  and worship "Aqua Buddha", which was a bong. His opponent, Jack Conway, has been running attacks ads about the whole clusterf*ck and it's just been ridiculous/hilarious for the great commonwealth of Kentucky.

Here's the GQ article for interested parties:

CN/Heart of the Matter: Aqua Buddha costumes aren't exactly sold in stores. So I will have to make one. How can I make a quick bong costume for Halloween? It should be blue. The only thing I can think to use would be water cooler tanks, which would be highly uncomfortable. Any ideas?
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Re: Creative costume people come here

  • Oooook. That would work I think! So, should I just use cellophane or some type of PVC?
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  • I think it would be easier to find flexible plastic that you could fold into a cylinder and tape together. PVC at that diameter would be expensive!
  • Fo sho! Ok. Flexible plastic shouldn't be hard to find. YOU PEOPLE ARE GENIUSES. I SWEAR.
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  • If you want to go the tube/pipe route check out sonotubes.  They're used as concrete forms and are made of, like cardboard, but thicker.

    Methinks cew knows a lot about bongs.... (Alot of bongs.... hehe)

    You could try to papier mache the blue celophane into the bowl part too.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Creative costume people come here</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you can't find a tube or something similar for the bottom, what about 2 hula hoops covered in fabric?
    Posted by mrs.jesse[/QUOTE]
    ^ I was just thinking this.
    "Plus who needs a purse when you have a wedding dress? Those things are like walking hobo bags just waiting to be stuffed with surprise treasures." image
  • Thanks a lot for the suggestions, guys. I'm going to look for a Hersey's kiss costume and see how I can build on that with what I can find.
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  • Some guy was a bong for halloween a few years ago and won the huge prize at the club.  It involved pvc and dry ice and or a small fog machine.  it was a great effect.
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