Snarky Brides

Mother of the Bride Vent

My mother is stalking me!!! We Live 4,000 miles away (me in Alaska and her in Louisiana). However since I am having my fist born child in a few weeks she is coming up here. 


I was on the phone with her a few weeks ago and she Google Earthed My house, my fiancée found this incredibility creepy, but because she is my mother I blew it off. Then a few nights ago we were on the phone again and she insisted that I gave her my screen name for The Knot and The Bump so she can look me up. I would not normally have a problem with this but she is trying to make my wedding the wedding she never had, so I stopped telling her information about it. So when I didn't give it to her....she looked me up herself and found me.....


She has looked on my facebook page (even though it is blocked) 


She is even insisting that when we (me, new baby, and FI) go back home that we are staying with her. even though we have both said we aren't!! 

I feel, I don't know i guess violated by this women like the next step I will have tp get is a restraining order....I can only in vision what will happen when she gets up here......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for listening :)



Re: Mother of the Bride Vent

  • pirategal03pirategal03 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited February 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Mother of the Bride Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]My mother is stalking me!!! We Live 4,000 miles away (me in Alaska and her in Louisiana). However since I am having my fist born child in a few weeks she is coming up here.    I was on the phone with her a few weeks ago and she Google Earthed My house, my fiancée found this incredibility creepy, but because she is my mother I blew it off. Then a few nights ago we were on the phone again and she insisted that I gave her my screen name for The Knot and The Bump so she can look me up. I would not normally have a problem with this but she is trying to make my wedding the wedding she never had, so I stopped telling her information about it. So when I didn't give it to her....she looked me up herself and found me.....   She has looked on my facebook page (even though it is blocked)    She is even insisting that when we (me, new baby, and FI) go back home that we are staying with her. even though we have both said we aren't!!  I feel, I don't know i guess violated by this women like the next step I will have tp get is a restraining order....I can only in vision what will happen when she gets up here......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Thanks for listening :)    
    Posted by court476[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Feel better?

    </div><div>ETA: did you post this in hopes that we would all validate your feelings and she would see it?</div>
  • I do feel a little better I do have to say but if she doesn't read it then maybe she will back off a little!! if not then it still felt good to get it out.
  • Grits8812Grits8812 member
    edited February 2012
    If she knows your name on this site, why are you posting something about her?  And why would you want a restraining order because she wants you to stay with her, and she google earthed your house.  They don't just pass out restraining orders, you have to go to court for that...
  • I think there's a whole lot of crazy here.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I google earth places all the time, because I love how creepy it is.  I google earthed my parents house to see how recent the photo was (my dad's new car was in the driveway in the photo, so that answered my question) not too long ago.

    Am I a stalker?

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Mother of the Bride Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]I google earth places all the time, because I love how creepy it is.  I google earthed my parents house to see how recent the photo was (my dad's new car was in the driveway in the photo, so that answered my question) not too long ago. Am I a stalker?
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
    Oh you are a total stalker.  You know, looking at pictures of the tops of houses and people's yards.  Shame on you.
  • pirategal03pirategal03 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited February 2012
    I hope not J but if you are then can I sit with you?  I Google Earth everything.  If I've ever had an address for it, I've probably Google Earth'd it.  (all of the Christmas card people are feeling creeped out right about now) 
  • Google Earth makes me feel normal.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • May I ask how she creeped on you Facebook if it is blocked?  Mine is blocked to the public, and I've logged out and tried to creep on doesn't work.   I think you did it wrong.
  • Maybe I'm just not getting it or I'm missing something but I don't really find this to be stalking. It sounds more like a mom being interested in their kid.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Mother of the Bride Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]I google earth places all the time, because I love how creepy it is.  I google earthed my parents house to see how recent the photo was (my dad's new car was in the driveway in the photo, so that answered my question) not too long ago. Am I a stalker?
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
    Kinda. Not like, Edward Cullen stalker, though.

    Not gunna lie, OP, but a lot of people use google earth. It's totally creepy that people can see my house, but they can also drive by my house and see the same thing. Maybe the backyard view is crossing the line and I think google needs to learn boundaries, but it's not the end of the world.

    I'm not sure how looking at your facebook page is stalking. I mean, if you don't want people looking at your FB page, why do you have one?
  • If google earthing and facebooking people is wrong, I don't want to be right.

  • This sounds really petty and childish. Being interested in your daughter and future grandchild's life =/= being a stalker. Any judge who saw a request for a restraining order in this situation would laugh you right out of their courtroom.
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  • Yeah your mom is being annoying and pushy, but that's not grounds for giving her a restraining order.  You are being way too dramatic about this.  She can't force you to do anything you don't want to, so even if she insists, just say no and change the subject.  Or tell her that, while you love her and want to catch up with her, if she's going to keep insisting all these things, you will have to hang up and talk another time.
  • If you think google earth is creepy then definitely don't check out this site:

  • I remember OP's post a few days ago and there is a ton of backstory and I feel pretty bad for her based on it.  Since mom is stalking that's all I'm saying.
  • I google earthed my moms house once. They took the photo on a day she was outside. I called her, told her and then laughed.

    I don't think I'm a stalker. Well, hope I'm not.

    And I'd love it if I lived far enough away that my mom offered to let me, H and the kids stay with her. But...she only lives an hour away so I see her every weekend. Oh and she calls me 4-5 times a day, plus texting. I don't consider her stalking me at all.
  • I'm sorry to sound rude or anything but I would love if my mother cared enough for that. My mom doesnt call or text or even try to visit (she lives 25 min away) I have to force her to talk about the wedding and even then she doesnt give a crap. I would take a mother who cares enough to stalk me any day. I am doing everything with only the support of my FH and sometimes its not enough. Take a step back, breathe, tell her how you feel and hope she doesnt take offense and cut herself out completely.
  • I'm sorry to sound rude or anything but I would love if my mother cared enough for that. My mom doesnt call or text or even try to visit (she lives 25 min away) I have to force her to talk about the wedding and even then she doesnt give a crap. I would take a mother who cares enough to stalk me any day. I am doing everything with only the support of my FH and sometimes its not enough. Take a step back, breathe, tell her how you feel and hope she doesnt take offense and cut herself out completely.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Mother of the Bride Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you think google earth is creepy then definitely don't check out this site: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by soontobemrsep[/QUOTE]
    I agree with this. 
  • Bing maps is waaaay better than Google earth, especially in bird's eye mode.
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