Snarky Brides

So Cool!


Re: So Cool!

  • eh, I am probably so at fault now for making this a bigger deal than it is... I just remember some dramz surrounding her reveal. I could have that wrong though.
  • Tiger Woods?
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • Oh yeah.  I was there when Chris Reeve broke his neck.

    I watched him in the warm up ring before he went out on the course.  The horse he was riding was young.  It was his 3rd time on it, and the horse had never jumped at the level he was trying to jump him.  The horse was refusing jumps in the warm up ring, and lo and behold, what happened?  The horse refused a jump on the course, Chris was tossed over the horse's neck and over the jump.  He had no business taking that horse out on that course. 
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Jon Gosselin?

    Tom Cruise?

    Are we talking A-list here?  Is it "I could sell this shiz to US Weekly" worthy?
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • Tide that is SO sad. Was the aftermath of that insane?

  • hahahahha, no not tiger woods. And yes, this guy was totally free and clear of relationships (or was at the time). By juicy I meant HOT, not scandalous.
  • M&M - I don't remember a lot of the day, because I was sick as a dog.  I remember the ambulance coming to take him off the course, and all of the older women freaking out.

    I felt really, really bad, though.  Earlier in the day, the women we were with were  running around screaming "Christopher Reeve, Christopher Reeve" like tween groupies.  My BFF and I were like, "who is this person?"  I offhandedly said something like, "I bet so-and-so hopes he'll fall off so she can give him CPR."

    Ummm... Yeah...
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • When I was working for the NY Jets, I met a ton of athletes.  The only time I was ever starstruck was when I got to meet Denzel Washington.  He was even hotter in person except short.  I asked him for his autograph even though I could have had my press pass taken away. 
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  • SarahPLizSarahPLiz member
    edited July 2010
    Milk Duds, Dan Rather's brother Don is an adjunct professor at the University where I work. I saw his name on something and just had to ask the provost. Apparently I wasn't the only person to ask.

    My sister worked with Ralph Nader's sister at Berkeley. She called him Ralphie. cute!

    ETA: I earned a free t-shirt at an Eminem and the Beat Nuts concert. Some jealous b*tch stole it from me during the show so I had to go back to the bus to get another one. They made me prove it was me who won it the first time. I felt more like it was Mardi Gras in New Orleans than a random Saturday night in downtown Austin, but I got my t-shirt darnit. To clarify, I didn't actually have to touch any of them.
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • whoa! talk about hoof in mouth!

    That is so crazy though!

  • DENZEL is so hot. You win.
  • Jamie, I met Denzel too! I just remembered

    It was recent, while he was starring in "Fences." I had to go to the stage door of the theater to deliver something, and he happened to be entering the same time. I did what I had to do, and then when I went to leave, he was standing in the middle of the room on his phone. He was in my way, so I said, "Excuse me," and he just looked surprised and said, "Oh, I'm sorry" and moved.

  • He was super sweet.  He even joked around with me because he knew I wasn't supposed to be asking for autographs.
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  • I met Michelle Obama and the Bidens and had drinks with the guys from the Daily Show at the DNC. Actually, I chatted with Mrs. Obama briefly on two different occasions and the second time she asked me where I bought my shoes from the time before, haha. I was so excited I almost offered to give them to her.. She's so tall and absolutely stunning in person.

    Oh and I met Wolf Blitzer from CNN, haha. He has really small hands.
  • A guy I went to high school with plays for the NY Jets, does that count as famous?
  • Awww....M&M, you make me blush you hot sexy woman.  Oh, how I love me some M&M:)

    Jon Gosselin???  Tom Cruise??????  That is just dreadful Blue.  Now I am nauseated.  :)  And I didn't sleep with Tiger but a couple of my ex-coworkers were outed in the scandal.  Met him once...he was a douche.

    I worked in clubs too!  I worked at clubs at Bellagio and Mirage and was a host at Palms for a while, where it was part of my job to deal with VIP tables.  And before that I was a club kid who went out all the time.  I would see celebs on almost a nightly basis, from A list down to Z list.  Pretty much anyone who graces the pages of Us Weekly that goes out a lot.  Some I just saw, some I hung out with.  I still have a few phone numbers I cannot bring myself to delete from my phone for sentimental value, although they are all over 4 years old now.

    My rendezvous was with a man who was very single in 2001.   We played blackjack, and then some.  I saw him a year or two later, when had a gf, hanging out with my friend who was a host of the club.  He gave me a big hug, bought me a few shots of tequila, and told me in his Texas drawl.....I have a girlfriend now and I just wanna dance with a pretty lady and go to my room alone.  Then he did the chicken dance around me for about 20 minutes and left.  Leaving me to "hope" that maybe not all men in Hollywood cheat.  Because from what I have seen, most do.

    One of my old coworkers had the celeb story to beat all celeb stories though.  She ended up dating Clooney for about a year and went to the Oscars with him and semi-living with him.  She got put in People's 50 most beautiful issue during that time too.  Not only was she physically perfect, she was one of the funniest girls I knew.  That biitch.     
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So Cool!</a>:
    [QUOTE]eh, I am probably so at fault now for making this a bigger deal than it is... I just remember some dramz surrounding her reveal. I could have that wrong though.
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Was there??  Someone mentioned that once and I never saw anything.  Something about thinking I made it up?  I never make up lies about things that didn't happen....all my lies are lies of omission where I leave details or parts of my life out.  Which is not a lot since I am obviously a TMI kind of girl. :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Waaay late to this discussion but I have to jump in and brag, lol. I work at an arena and FI is a chef, a lot of time he'll cook it and I'll serve it. One of us, if not both, have served A LOT of people. My fave stories to tell:

    Rihanna (an over 6 foot stick) ate over 20 hard-boiled eggs in one serving (WTF?), then demanded a whole rotisserie chicken. We didn't have it so we ran to a grocery store and bought one for 12.99, then sold it back to her for $75.00.

    Bruce Springsteen was douche-a-riffic. He demanded FI hand squeeze 3 gallons of lime juice in front of him, among a thousand other douchey-odd things.
    I guess the one good thing about it was the Marley brothers were hanging out back stage and we got to meet them.

    Miley Cyrus smokes a lot of cigarettes and pot and trashes her dressing room. She really can't sing (I heard her 'warm-up').

    KISS's family forgot to rent out a private suite and got one with general ticket sales. They ended up in a suite full of skeezy heroin addicts, super drugged up and puking (and falling asleep on them).

    FI cooked Billy Joel's dog's dinner, lol. He made it look so good, Elton John came and said he wanted the same for his dog. HA!

    I have so many more, sometimes I think I should start a book or something Tongue out

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So Cool!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: So Cool! : Was there??  Someone mentioned that once and I never saw anything.  Something about thinking I made it up?  I never make up lies about things that didn't happen....all my lies are lies of omission where I leave details or parts of my life out.  Which is not a lot since I am obviously a TMI kind of girl. :)
    Posted by saschaduran[/QUOTE]

    Nah, I actually think you are totally good :)
  • I've met Fidel Castro, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Daniel Tosh, and all the Spice Girls.
    My favorite story to tell is when I met Ryan Greenspan (professional paintball player). He's so hotttt.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We've all met quite the variety of people.  One of my best guy friends is a guitar tech, so I've spent a lot of time with a lot of musicians.  Some have just been casual hang-outs before and after shows, others are like brothers now...shortened list includes 12 stones, 3 doors down, shinedown, seether, sick puppies, daughtry, candlebox, royal bliss, saving abel, 3 days grace, hinder, papa roach....and more I can't remember right now.  I've seen some craaaaazzzyyyy things around some of those guys.
  • edited July 2010
    not a personal story, but Bush 41 (W's dad) has his presidential library on my college campus. he loved to work out at our rec center. several of my friends have come from working out to tell me that they were jogging on the treadmill, and would look over and see Bush running next to them. I also have a friend who was fishing in the stock pond behind the library, and he came out to fish as well. they fished and talked together for a couple of hours.

    I am friends with one of the Dallas Cowboys though.

    Glenna Harding Photography
  • I spoke to VP Joe Biden on the phone one Saturday night at the answering service I used to work for. He called up a bath remodeling company we answer for because he wanted to redo a bathroom in the VP house. He is really sweet and good-humored! I can't believe he called himself, haha!
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