My Groom is really disappointing me! he is lazy and never wants to plan or discuss wedding (even when I ask, even on his days off, even on the weekend) he is not interested in sharing information, or having planning a guest list. He wants to leave it all to his mom! he always says " I don't know, I'm going to leave this to my mom"
His mother is in another country and doesn't want to start planning until March
when he DOES help me plan he says things such as : let's para sail into the wedding,
let's have a rainbow themed wedding
or my favorite "Let's fly in the archdiocese of Haiti to marry us! he's my mom's cousin"
Which is true, yes they are cousins, but it's nonsensical! he's the ARCHBISHOP he's not going to fly in to marry a couple.
I feel like he's not interested, backing off and I feel like clubbing him on the head. Any advice? In short, i'm the only one interested in my wedding and planning it. What should I do? It hurts my feelings.
It feels that no one is sharing my joy.