Snarky Brides


So when they remodeled our offices and somehow they covered and lost where the thermestat was...

Apparently when they did this they had the AC set on about 50......

It is soo cold in my office that i have to carry a sweater and gloves with me just so I dont freeze to death.. I even have a space heater.. and its 80 outside..

I am scared to know how cold it will be in here when it is about 30 outside.. with these big windows..the colder it is out.. the colder it is in..

Brilliant people those contractors are....
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  • It snowed here today. Take that.
  • Haha... I live on the gulf.. it snowed back in 2004 first time in 100 years.. we got 8in.. I dont think that will happen again in my life..

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  • Wanna borrow my Snuggie. So many of the girls in my office complain that our boss bought us each one.But yeah I cant even imagine trying to get work done under those conditions.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:db4a2f5e-0676-484b-83fc-ecb93a6c53c2Post:12214cae-6df9-45a7-a260-4bd353491b84">Re: BRRRRRRR</a>:
    [QUOTE]It's 10 degrees here (49F), which is lovely after yesterday not getting above 0 You're out east right Anysunrise?
    Posted by rhonwynv[/QUOTE]

    East compared to you if I remember right. I'm 2 hours north of Toronto.
  • That sounds terrible, I hate being cold!  It didn't bother me until I moved to SC, after I moved home my body rejects anything below 70.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:db4a2f5e-0676-484b-83fc-ecb93a6c53c2Post:c3935cf6-75f9-49ec-8fc6-2645e63ad937">Re: BRRRRRRR</a>:
    [QUOTE]Haha... I live on the gulf.. it snowed back in 2004 first time in 100 years.. we got 8in.. I dont think that will happen again in my life.. I
    Posted by jessienjeremy[/QUOTE]

    This...this is crazy to me. I can't even imagine that.
  • Yeah some girls here walk around in them.. my FI laughs cause I wear a cute tank or tshirt but then i have this big sweater ...

    I live in south texas.. not too far from the equator.. so we really dont get a big cold front till dec or jan..
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  • AnysunriseAnysunrise member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited October 2010
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:db4a2f5e-0676-484b-83fc-ecb93a6c53c2Post:7a53c801-b3c9-4625-9cc0-478c1b9732be">Re: BRRRRRRR</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: BRRRRRRR : Ah, I see.  yeah I'm in Calgary, and the weather's been nuts here.  While my mum was visiting, it was hitting the mid 20s here, and was snowing at home in Australia.  Go figure
    Posted by rhonwynv[/QUOTE]

    I miss the mid 20s. September was pretty warm, not so much now. It's not winter here if we don't get at least 6 feet of snow though. Last year we got all of that in the span of about a week though, lol. I'm glad I wasn't here for it.
  • Ya, I can't really complain. I live in Northern California, so while it's cold at night, and rainy during winter, it's pretty moderate here.

    Although, I woke up the other morning, and it was 42 degrees in the apartment. Gah!
  • One winter, my parents went on vacation right after we had our furnace fixed, but no one told me it was fixed, so I spent a week in an almost freezing house by myself.
  • I hate snow and ice. Luckily, we don't get much of that around here. Today is perfect- in the 70s. Ahh.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:db4a2f5e-0676-484b-83fc-ecb93a6c53c2Post:e4a366e5-7748-406f-ac4f-b91d4b8bbd17">Re: BRRRRRRR</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's going to be a biiig power bill for your office.
    Posted by AudgiePodge[/QUOTE]

    Thats what we all say.. but we are 5 tv stations.. so Its probably pretty big to begin with.. I dont think they will notice the difference..
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