Snarky Brides

Your dude's electric razor

Tell me about it.  Does he like it, or dislike it?  Any particular reason why?

I want to get him one for christmas, he's mentioned it a few times, but have no idea what to look for in one.  And obviously can't really ask him what he wants in one, he picks up on that stuff too easily.

Re: Your dude's electric razor

  • FI bought one 2 christmases ago for like $200 but he never uses it. he says it pinches his face and he has really sensitive skin. He says he gets better results with his Mach 3, but I beg to differ. Whatever. Its his face. 
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  • J has 2 Conair. We got them at CVS for maybe $20 each. He hasn't complained about them that I know of. He has to keep his beard a certain length for work, so the ones he has have different guards along with a buttload of other gizmos and gadgets. We also use them to trim his neck hair in between haircuts.

    It is true that pit bulls grab and hold on. But what they most
    often grab and refuse to let go of is your heart

  • DH has the Norelco with the three circular blades.  It's an older model he's had several years.  He really likes it, primarily because it's easy for him to grab it and shave while he's walking around, but the replacement blades are pretty expensive.  I think a blade shave lasts longer, but he doesn't have a super heavy beard - takes a few days for him to get scruffy.
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  • Actually, J's are beard and mustache trimmers.

    It is true that pit bulls grab and hold on. But what they most
    often grab and refuse to let go of is your heart

  • H has a Panasonic. He uses it just about every day he has to work because he's a hairy guy.
  • slubkinslubkin member
    edited November 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Your dude's electric razor</a>:
    [QUOTE]FI bought one 2 christmases ago for like $200 but he never uses it. he says it pinches his face and he has really sensitive skin. He says he gets better results with his Mach 3, but I beg to differ. Whatever. Its his face. 
    Posted by SarahPLiz[/QUOTE]
    This exactly.  I bought FI one a few years ago and he complained of the same thing.  It was one of those three headed razors, I forget what it was called.  He uses a Gilette Quattro or something like that now.  IMO just buy him a couple packs of blade refills for his favorite razor and call it a day.  :)
    "Plus who needs a purse when you have a wedding dress? Those things are like walking hobo bags just waiting to be stuffed with surprise treasures." image
  • FI doesn't have one and refuses them. He says he gets a way better shave from his Gillette Mach 3 or whatever. I wouldn't know because I've never used an electric one. I know, if anything, they're more convenient sometimes if you're travelling or don't feel like lathering up your face and taking 15 minutes to manually shave.

    I'm sorry, that was probably no help at all. Unless you want to surprise him with a Mach 3!
  • H has the self cleaning braun that looks like this:

    he loves it so much that even though it's 10 years old and worn out, he wants the same one for christmas
  • DH is a sasquatch.  He gets the 2pm shadow too, and grows hair everywhere else too.  I think there's a square inch on his shoulder that doesn't have hair on it.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:dedb881f-4eef-4cb1-9fe4-6c28b3a0d58aPost:d27e1d8f-5e7a-4988-a1d5-39275a96ea8f">Re: Your dude's electric razor</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Your dude's electric razor : Oh my god! My grandpa used to have one of these. I used to love to watch him shave. In fact, my mom got his after he passed. It makes me happy to know they still have them out there.
    Posted by Chi_Chi[/QUOTE]
    It's one of his family's "things".  At 13 they get one of these and learn how to use it and at 16 they get their first wool kilt.  It's just weird stuff they've done for years.
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