Snarky Brides

Nervous About Flying Tomorrow

So I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow from Laguardia airport in New York, and I am nervous what with everything going on with these pacakges and the plane that was escorted by fighter jets.  I've been running around all day so am just now getting up to speed.  Argh.

Anyone have any calming words?

Re: Nervous About Flying Tomorrow

  • Seshat, I'll be staying in Orlando and going to the shuttle launch.  They've already delayed it once.  It's now on Tuesday instead of Monday so hopefully there won't be further delays.  We'll be in the area until Thursday.

    Thanks, Mrs.Jesse.  I am trying to tell myself that the higher security is a good thing, but it's so nerve racking.  I would have been nervous to fly right after that Christmas bomber!  I'm sure everyone was jittery right?  I just get so jolted by these things.  I moved to NYC right before 9/11 and worked downtown and then I started an internship in London the week after the subway bombing. 
  • If you get loaded before you get on the plane you'll sleep the whole way there.

    But not everyone likes to fly drunk.  :) I do though.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:e2948a18-5a26-4544-ade0-3c71fc6e2113Post:e929e7b2-6465-40a5-baca-3ba161d5ea29">Re: Nervous About Flying Tomorrow</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you get loaded before you get on the plane you'll sleep the whole way there. But not everyone likes to fly drunk.  :) I do though.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    Yes but then you'll have to pee mid-flight, and risk getting sucked out of the plane through the toilet.

    Or at least, this is my mom's fear.
  • That entirely depends on the length of the flight - New York to Florida is pretty long.  But if you're hammered enough, you won't wake up til you land!

    I'm not really encouraging alcoholism.  Just trying to lighten the mood :) I don't really like flying that much either, but not really because of terrorism - I'm more paranoid that something will go wrong with the plane, the pilot will have a heart attack, we'll run out of fuel.  Those fun things.

    ...Were these things assholish of me to mention?
  • I was so anxious before we flew to San Fran in August.  I have no idea what even brought it on, because I've flown a lot in the past. 

    I just tried to breathe and relax and eventually I calmed myself down.  You're going to be fine!
  • Sesh, I'm surprised the flight attendants let your stepdad in there with her...

    Cran is fine, AATB.  Haha.

  • Aw Cranberry, I guess just try to relax. Like a PP said, bring some stuff to do while on the plane, like listen to music or a good book to read. I'm not an advocate for drugs but could you take something to help you relax a bit?

    I'm also afraid to fly now. When I was younger I flew to Europe and Florida and I never thought twice about it. Mostly because I was young and didn't think about these things, but also because hat was way before 9/11 and bomb threats and suspicious packages. So I understand where you're coming from.

    You'll be fine.  : ) 

    Think happy thoughts.
  • edited October 2010
    I don't have many comforting words, but just wanted to let you know that I often feel nervous when flying.  I used to love it and look forward to it so so much, and now I dread it and would rather drive 20 hours each way to WI than fly.  It really sucks that we live in a world where I can't feel confident walking onto an airplane.

    Just do whatever you can on your end to make sure that your trip is as smooth as possible. 
    Welcome to the world, Baby W: born on 3/8/12 @ 3:49pm - 8lb 11 oz, 22 in. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:e2948a18-5a26-4544-ade0-3c71fc6e2113Post:88a4bd89-c8d0-4e14-8254-d6f3ac02479e">Re: Nervous About Flying Tomorrow</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Nervous About Flying Tomorrow : Yes but then you'll have to pee mid-flight, and risk getting sucked out of the plane through the toilet. Or at least, this is my mom's fear.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    You just can't break the seal!!
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