OK. So apologies in advance, this post is mostly to VENT! I am a second-time bride, own my own business, PhD, grown children, my fiance & I are most definitely hosting our own (out of town) wedding at a venue with limited guests numbers available, and it is a cocktail party/"wedding weekend for adults" receptions. We VERY carefully delineated the guest list thinking about this criteria and being fair/equal with both sides of our families.The decision on "kids" we came up with was inviting only our "nieces and nephews of legal drinking age given the celebration format etc.". We were thankfu to come up with this rule as it then allowed us to invite both first cousins AND our collegues (who we are close to) but wouldn't randomly offend/exclude cousin's children and such.
Tonight, at a family reunion, my cousin remarks that her, her mom, and her 18 yr old daugthter will be coming, instead of her & her husband. Her mom (my mom's sister) was of course already on the guest list, but her daughter was NOT. I LOVE this girl, she is delightful! BUT...we simply can't afford -- space or costs or feelings -- to include her. If we did, then her older brother & his wife, our other cousins' (numerous) great older kids (including this cousin's own brother's family!), and my siblings younger kids, etc. will be very saliently excluded.
I had already discussed our rubric with my parents months ago, who readily agreed to help "spread thw word". Tonight, when I mentioned to my mom that I would need help explaining/clarifying, she said she "couldn't get involved" and that I would just have to handle with my cousin directly. I was SO hurt and livid by her response. When I privately said something to my dad, he was very surprised and knew nothing about it -saying he "thought that issue was clea & settled months ago." He & my fiance encouraged me to "sleep on how to handle it" tonight, and we would reconvene at the family picnic portion of the reunion weekend tomorrow to see how we wanted to handle it.
ANY suggestions out there? I don't want to seem ungenerous, but I can't *fit*, nor afford, the 20 extra people that -- if we were to be fair-- we would need to encompass if I let my cousin's teenage daughter slip through,
Thanks for listening. I hope I don't sound like a huge bitch!!!