Snarky Brides

Am I Overreacting?

So I have a student, we will call her "A".  She is extremely intelligent and very far advanced compared to the other kindergarteners in the class.  Her reading level is at about a second grade level, and her math is probably first-ish.  Her mom told me from day one how advanced she was, so I was planning on giving her some advanced work so that she wasn't so bored in class.
Each child in my class has a take-home folder that I use to send home their daily work and that parents will occasionally write notes to me in if they have a question or a comment and don't have time to stop in.  As it is lunchtime, I am checking each folder to see if there was anything I need.  In "A"'s folder, there was a folded up note.  I assumed it was for me, so I opened it.  Instead it was a note from the head of the school more or less saying they are going to be putting her into first grade next Monday to see how well she does and if it works well, she will be permanently moved there.
I wasn't consulted in any of this.  Nobody asked me how I felt she was doing in the class, nobody asked me how I felt about it.  As her teacher, I am with her the most in the day, yet nobody asked me about it.  I feel kind of slighted considering my input would be pretty important in this situation.
Am I right in taking this so personally?  Or am I overreacting?

ETA Part of what bothers me too is that nobody even bothered to tell me this might be happening...
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